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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 2, 2006
I watched somebody playing Batman: Arkham Knight last night on Twitch, I was going to buy this from the off but I am glad that I did'nt because all I saw for over 90% of the playtime where tank battles, every quest had or was a tank battle. For me this is a no no and has really put me off buying it, do not get me wrong here I do not mind a tank battle here or there but I think they have over done when it is as many as this.

People who where watching the Livestream where calling the game Gotham: World of Tanks as a better title.
I've recently built a gaming PC and this game was included free as a code redeem from steam (I think because of the nVidia gpu). Although now is in my library, I haven't installed it yet, but the above indeed sounds bad. I was hoping it would be an improved/evolved version of the previous games on the same gameplay.
I downloaded it the night it was released. The only thing I did was fire up their PC performance benchmarking tool. Averaged like 85 fps in high settings. When playing the game, it was like a slide show. I made sure I updated my NVidia drivers with the Arkham Knight profile before playing. Looks to be a bad PC port. Even 980ti owners are getting poor performance along with AMD users. I took advantage of Steams new refund policy, and it was a painless process. I'll wait for the GOTY release... if it ever becomes one. Reviews in steam are pretty bad because of the performance issues. Metacritic PC score is a dismal 1.4. Console scores are a lot higher. I've played all the previous Batman games on PC, but I might buy it for the PS4 or Xbox one. I don't normally buy multiplat games for my consoles... so most likely I'll wait it out for GOTY PC release... if improved.
Not that my gfx card can run the game but now there is even less reason to update it.

Yeah, when in car mode, the Batmobile has to be one of the worst bit of driving mechanics I've ever experienced in a game.

Going to have to admit, I'm glad I got my copy for free (my best friend is a Gamestop manager, and I got his free copy).
When playing the game, it was like a slide show. I made sure I updated my NVidia drivers with the Arkham Knight profile before playing. Looks to be a bad PC port. Even 980ti owners are getting poor performance along with AMD users. I took advantage of Steams new refund policy, and it was a painless process.

Looks like a lot of folks wanted their money back. I have to say, that this refund policy is great. Finally gamers can vote with their wallet. And gaming companies who think they can treat their customers like s*** get what they deserve.
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Playing this on console (xbone) so avoided the port debacle. If you think watching world of tanks (well bat tanks) is fun...its better doing it. Not really lol. Hard to get in the flow of things at times. Usually I try to go for high completion (not a 100% or death player, but 50-75% a modest goal usually) but with this game....I see me doing basic storyline missions, any side stuff to level up the batmobile, bat suit, bat skills, etc as needed to get her done to see the story ending. Hop on the Harley Quinn story bit and hope the dlc's under season pass give some non-tank based fun.

Was a neat trick the first time I saw it. At like 14% into the game I feel like I have killed more tanks than coalition forces did in desert storm tbh.

Last night for a break I parked the batmobile, got out of it and went around randomly beating the crap out of criminals. Not for truth, justice and all that jazz. They were my therapy. used them as punching bags to work off the frustration from the tank battles.

Good game besides this tbh. Its just getting a bit annoying with long tank fights to get to the sites where I want to do what I want to do. You know the batman stuff....sneak around stealth takedowns.

Where's a class action lawsuit when you need one? We could have seen the end of at least one DRM company (possibly). Damn Steam ToS.
Regardless the performance, the game is a big let-down anyway. Only 5 minutes into the game, and you're in the car, racing and hitting walls all over the place. 10 minutes later and there we are again, time for another (badly-designed) racing sequence.

I got it for free with a new nVidia GPU purchase, uninstalled from steam the same day. And this is coming from someone that finished both Asylum and City, so I don't hate the game series. Of course, opinions may vary so I hope anyone who spent money to get it to manage and get some fun from this.
Regardless the performance, the game is a big let-down anyway. Only 5 minutes into the game, and you're in the car, racing and hitting walls all over the place. 10 minutes later and there we are again, time for another (badly-designed) racing sequence.

I got it for free with a new nVidia GPU purchase, uninstalled from steam the same day. And this is coming from someone that finished both Asylum and City, so I don't hate the game series. Of course, opinions may vary so I hope anyone who spent money to get it to manage and get some fun from this.

Something Jim Sterling loves but I am waiting for DLC lol. Loved the first 2 games (origins I will not lump in, not rocksteady's work or storyline) which was why I got this on preorder. May be the last time I do this TBH. Only have 1 pending preorder out there, the 3rd shadow run from harebrain. that hopefully saves the day for preorder. Not seeing me do this again tbh.

Other 2 games I got were steam sales and both games picked up for under $10.00. this game...tbh...if I could do things differently would have been the same and wait till next summer's sale for another $5 buy.

Can't help but feeling the convenient plotpoint of gotham being completely evacuated in 1 day was DC stepping in and protecting their IP saying you can't have our batman wiping out civilians pedestrians on the side of the road GTA style.

Which is real easy as that bat mobile. Watch the Jimquisition clips above, he has a very fitting phrase for how the car handles. Some may find it crude but it is actually very fitting and needs to be said like that and not buried in words to make the political correctness people happy. the car mechanics are just so terribad, and it becomes an issue as driving missions get harder.

Wouldn't be so bad except they give a comparison in game that has me going wth is this crap. There will be side missions where you chase after certain people in APC's. APC's that are fast and agile. They way they cut hard turns at speeds even my batmobile is going full burn and barely keeping up....I want to be that APC.

When even GTA puts more effort into more realistic driving, you have issues. When you are making driving a massive part of the game I am not asking for Gran Tourismo/Forza level of detail but....lets try to get close to something that is workable.

If DC did step in to have some creative input for this....they should have stopped many other things lol.

Like the storyline tbh. Its just I am feeling rushed to play it as the side stuff is annoying and only for wayne tech points. Or I do some to go well at least I am not in the bat tank mode....again. Sad really. Its like reading a novel where you love every other chapter in the book. These chapter as it were are pretty good. Good enough to deal with the crap chapters between....lets just say its the full price I paid that has me trudge through them. Game is becoming work really.
Something Jim Sterling loves but I am waiting for DLC lol. Loved the first 2 games (origins I will not lump in, not rocksteady's work or storyline) which was why I got this on preorder. May be the last time I do this TBH. Only have 1 pending preorder out there, the 3rd shadow run from harebrain. that hopefully saves the day for preorder. Not seeing me do this again tbh.

Other 2 games I got were steam sales and both games picked up for under $10.00. this game...tbh...if I could do things differently would have been the same and wait till next summer's sale for another $5 buy.

Can't help but feeling the convenient plotpoint of gotham being completely evacuated in 1 day was DC stepping in and protecting their IP saying you can't have our batman wiping out civilians pedestrians on the side of the road GTA style.

Which is real easy as that bat mobile. Watch the Jimquisition clips above, he has a very fitting phrase for how the car handles. Some may find it crude but it is actually very fitting and needs to be said like that and not buried in words to make the political correctness people happy. the car mechanics are just so terribad, and it becomes an issue as driving missions get harder.

Wouldn't be so bad except they give a comparison in game that has me going wth is this crap. There will be side missions where you chase after certain people in APC's. APC's that are fast and agile. They way they cut hard turns at speeds even my batmobile is going full burn and barely keeping up....I want to be that APC.

When even GTA puts more effort into more realistic driving, you have issues. When you are making driving a massive part of the game I am not asking for Gran Tourismo/Forza level of detail but....lets try to get close to something that is workable.

If DC did step in to have some creative input for this....they should have stopped many other things lol.

Like the storyline tbh. Its just I am feeling rushed to play it as the side stuff is annoying and only for wayne tech points. Or I do some to go well at least I am not in the bat tank mode....again. Sad really. Its like reading a novel where you love every other chapter in the book. These chapter as it were are pretty good. Good enough to deal with the crap chapters between....lets just say its the full price I paid that has me trudge through them. Game is becoming work really.

Agreed. Although didn't go as far into the game as you, these are exactly my impressions too. I wouldn't mind even for this terrible driving design, if it wasn't happening that often. As you said, I think this game would be much better after a few months following a big price drop.
the car mechanics are just so terribad, and it becomes an issue as driving missions get harder.

It seems there are two issues that keep appearing with regard to the car. One is the controls of the driving itself which a lot of people (yourself included have complained about) and then there is the issue of the over reliance on driving and tank battles that take up too much gameplay and/or are poorly integrated into the larger game and narrative.

It seems like Saint's Row IV and now Batman are both precedents for how not to implement vehicles. If you give the player a super power or gizmo that gets them someplace faster chances are the player will want to use it. The trick might be to make the vehicles part of the opening of the game before allowing for gizmos/superpowers to which they become redundant. Another method might be simply isolating their use to a certain section of the game like an underground sewer chase or something that doesn't impact or detract from the preferred open world travel methods.
i bought it on steam it runs like s@@@@ i own mid-2014 mbps with gt750m 2gb gddr5 its below the 660 announced as minimum but i can play GTA V 28-50fps with mix of high/normal setting (1200p res) and I'm not able to play this on the lowest setting 720x1280(720p) and get at least 20fps !? i want 20fps at least I've seen youtube videos with the gddr3 version the guy ran the game on medium 1366x768 25fps and he had an old cpu :{
i have to wait for mac port or wait for rocksteady to fix the issue i just want 20fps on the lowest:{
guys,whats your opinion ?
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