If it’s sitting like that. I would use Aldente, and keep the machine charged to 50% all the time.
I use lipo batteries that are pretty expensive in 1/5 scale RC cars. I always storage charge them, if I am not gonna use them for even a few days. I could fully charge a lipo battery, let it sit at 100% for 5 days, and it would be fat and swollen full of gas escaping.
The same happens with MacBooks. Although, not as extreme due to how the batteries are built and engineered. Although, MacBooks still pop open from swelling batteries.
I would say 40-50% Aldente will lock
it at that (Or your desired percentage) while the machine is plugged in 24/7.
It is a great app!
If you know that your going to actually run the machine, and need it charged then just Charge it to 80% and you’ll be just fine. Or if you need maximum capacity, then just go for 100%. But only if your gonna use the machine.
I try not to think about it too much, but if the machine is just sitting around the house not getting used, then 30-70% is just fine.