I have read several posts from people who have had concerns with their laptops and battery health so I thought I would share this info regarding my Apple devices. As a comparison, my 13" MBP purchased in September has a battery health of 90% as compared to my daughters late model 2013 MBP 13" that she bought from me has a battery health reading of 82% and it's 7 years old. I have also included as a comparison the battery health of my iPhone XR and iPad Mini 5 that are approximately 2 years old.
These numbers just don't seem right but I will hold off getting concerned unless my battery health drops below 80% in another 3-4 months which based on the current rate that could easily happen.
These numbers just don't seem right but I will hold off getting concerned unless my battery health drops below 80% in another 3-4 months which based on the current rate that could easily happen.