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macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 3, 2011
Okay, had the iPhone 6 for a few months without issues. Updated to iOS 8.2 on Tuesday and last night I went to bed when around 65% battery. Woke up this morning and it was at 6%. Plugged it in at work and checked it about 30 mins later and it was 100% charged.
Went to play football tonight and left it in my car with 68% charge. Returned an hour later and it was at 6% again. Got home and plugged it in and it straight away jumped up to 61% charge.
Anyone else seen this behavior before? I'm not sure if it is a bug or a calibration issue or something more serious.
Try doing a full discharge and recharge. Recharge the phone overnight so it isn't disturbed while charging. If that doesn't help, do a full DFU set up as new restore. If that doesn't help, have apple check it out because that is not normal. My iPhone 6 and iPad mini 2 both seem to have pretty decently better battery life after the update, no screwy percentage readings, no absurd battery drain.
Yup. Had the same issue this morning. Will try a full discharge and recharge over the weekend and failing that, a restore. Thanks.

I'm not one to whine but I'm down to 10% by the end of the day post 8.2. I used to be around the 30-40% point. The change has been consistent since the upgrade.

That being said, I still get a full day out of it so I don't care. This seems to have solved my bug problems.
I'm not one to whine but I'm down to 10% by the end of the day post 8.2. I used to be around the 30-40% point. The change has been consistent since the upgrade.

That being said, I still get a full day out of it so I don't care. This seems to have solved my bug problems.
Weird. I'm on day two of being off the charger and am still at 39%. Usually I would have been dead by now. 5 hours and 18 minutes of use and 1 day 8 hours of standby.

Plus I've played quite a lot of duet/crossy road, and a little clash of clans.

8.2 seems to have made battery life a bit better on both my iPad and on my iPhone
I was at 11% this morning. Plugged it in and it jumped to 33%. Took the plug out and it dropped to 10%. Decided to drain the battery so I left it off the charger and have been using it all day and the battery is still reporting 10%. It's clear the battery is physically fine and the calibration is off. Will keep it going till it dies then charge it over night.
I was at 11% this morning. Plugged it in and it jumped to 33%. Took the plug out and it dropped to 10%. Decided to drain the battery so I left it off the charger and have been using it all day and the battery is still reporting 10%. It's clear the battery is physically fine and the calibration is off. Will keep it going till it dies then charge it over night.

I had this problem with my Android tablet. I cured it by charging it to 100% with it switched on, then using it until it totally died, then charging it again with it switched on. Three full cycles cured it, but switching off to charge was a bad idea. That didn't work.
I hear this battery problem after every update. Give your phone a week and charge it every night. You're battery problem will be gone. Don't panic, it's only a phone!
...and thats why I don't upgrade to new iOS before seeing what other people experience first.

With very few exemptions, given the anecdotal randomness of all kinds of reports of all kinds of things that often don't apply to most, although it's interesting to read about other experiences it often doesn't necessarily tell much about the experience you will have.
Battery level issue after 8.2 upgrade

Sounds like the battery issue I experienced when I had an iPhone 5. Apple replaced the battery under AppleCare then days after that i noticed that it was a mass problem with the iPhone 5's and apple acknowledged it and set out a battery replacement program for iPhone 5's.

That being said, I would take it to Apple.
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