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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 14, 2023
I have an iphone 13 mini that is over 2 years ago. The screen needs to be replaced as I have a green vertical line on my phone. It then has a white vertical line. The battery seems to be around 86% or so.

I use my iphone a lot when I don't have internet and use my laptop so I turn on cellular data on and turn on the personal hotspot and then connect to the hotspot on my laptop. Assuming my phone battery is 100% and I have personal hotspot on and I am using my laptop, it seems on average to use about 14% of battery per hour. This seems to be the case when I have it on low power mode but if it's not on that mode, it's 15% or a little more? Thus it doesn't make that much of a difference? The other thing I noticed was whether I'm using a lot of data while on hotspot mode... say what I'm doing... I also play a youtube video during that hour... obviously that would use a ton of more data than if not... it still uses about 14% of battery per hour? Is that normal? I would have though it would use a bit more but from the test I done, that doesn't seem to be the case? So you can get close to 7 hours of battery almost on the iphone 13 mini while on personal hotspot?
Now what if you are on your cellular data on your phone the whole time instead of connecting a laptop to hotspot? I got to assume it's a little bit longer than 7 hours or it's about the same?

What I do on my laptop when I need internet but I don't have internet and use the cellular data hotspot from my iphone 13 mini, I typically don't use more than 40mb of data per hour which is very little. But say if I have a youtube video running as well, well that could mean another 200-300mb of data so that would mean 340mb of data for that hour. So it seems with a full 100% iphone 13 mini battery, I would get close to 7 hours of battery on my iphone with personal hot spot turned on... would you say that is accurate?

The other issue I have is this. Whenever my iphone battery goes down to 50% or say 20% while I'm on personal hotspot on and using my laptop, I would then charge my iphone. The thing is many times, it would only charge up to 80% and I sometimes get the message it can only charge to that because the iphone is hot. So while using my laptop and using the personal hotspot cellular, the max battery my iphone would go up to is 80%. Is there a way to fix that? Only way would be turn of the cellular data right? However, I can't do that while in the middle of using my laptop. So what I would do is say I charge my iphone to 80% battery while using my laptop, I would then unplug the charger from iphone since 80% would give me roughly 5.5 hours of battery and say if I only need to use laptop with hotspot data for another 5 hours, that would be enough.

Now is this about right with the math I'm using on the battery life of an iphone 13 mini when having cellular data on and personal hotspot on while connecting to the hotspot while using the laptop? So say I need to use my laptop for 8 hours straight with cellular data hotspot. Assume I have no internet access so I have to use the hotspot. What I typically would do is charge my iphone to at least 60% before using the hotspot. Then use the hotspot untii the iphone battery goes to maybe 20% before charging it. So this would mean I been using the hotspot for a bit less than 3 hours. Then I would charge my iphone while using the laptop. Or it could be using the iphone at 100% and using it for 3 hours straight and then charging it then the remaining few hours, I wouldn't even need to charge my iphone while on data because it would have enough battery. At the end, I want it to be where the last 1-2 hours while I'm on the laptop while on personal hotspot data, to not have my iphone charged in the process.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 14, 2023
Would this be accurate to those with iphone 13 mini users? Now if my battery maximum capacity was 100%, then it would probably be longer? However, when I got this iphone 13 mini new over 2 years ago, I remember being on my laptop and connecting to the personal hotspot and it seemed to use about 14% of battery every hour. So after the 1st hour, it would drop to 86%. Then 72%. Then 58% etc. So would that be the same even if my battery maximum capacity was 100% as oppose to 86%? But if your battery health maximum capacity was under 80%, it's different? Got to assume it's different if you have an iphone 13 and it's more?

Now people who have an iphone 15 or iphone 15 max or those recent ones with lot of battery, how many hours does your iphone last if you use it as a personal hotspot for your laptop? Is it using about 14% per hour or it uses less? Is it possible to have the iphone 15 pro max to last 10 hours if you have it fully charged to 100% and now turn on cellular data and personal hotspot and just leave your phone on the table and then connect to the hotspot using your laptop? How much % battery does your iphone 15 max drain per hour assuming you were to do this? Would it be 14% or would it be less?


macrumors 65816
Nov 27, 2013
Anything I do that requires a reach-out to a cell tower sucks appreciable battery.

In my Work, I am presented with a lot of wifi-compromized environments.

There are many times where my cell signal is stronger than the available WIFI connections.

When I *need* a fluent connection, I am less-concerned with battery life, than I am with signal-strength,

I can always connect my phone to a power-source/battery 🤷‍♂️

now i see it

macrumors G4
Jan 2, 2002
If you’re getting overheat warnings, remove the iPhone from its case if you use one - or if possible, point a little fan at it.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 14, 2023
So you are saying whenever you use your iphone hotspot cellular data with your laptop, your iphone is always plugged in? The thing is I would prefer it to not always be plugged in as I would many times want to use it while using my laptop and it is easier when not plugged in. So say if I have to use my laptop with hotspot internet for 3 hours. If I have say around 60% battery left on my iphone, I would just leave it unplugged because after using the hotspot internet for 3 hours on my laptop, the iphone battery would go down from 60% to about 18% which is still enough battery before it shuts down.

I get that overheat warning a lot when I'm charging my laptop with the case on... but it seem to mainly happen when my cellular data is on.

Can others tell me how many hours you can get on your iphone from 100% to 0% assuming you want to use the cellular data from iphone and hotspot it with your laptop? If I were to do it with my laptop, I would say it could last close to 7 hours because the battery of the iphone drops about 14% every hour when I tested it. So it would be higher if it's an iphone 15 pro max since that has the best battery? How much battery percentage does it drop every hour assuming you are using your iphone as a hotspot for your laptop and you are using your laptop the entire time?


macrumors 68030
Aug 6, 2022
I quit my iPad cellular plan a few years ago and for the few times I do use my iPad in the field and need to internet, I use my 15 PM hotspot and it, without a doubt, takes a toll on the battery. With the mini, I can see it being a problem. I lose about 2-3 % in 15-20 minutes on my 15 PM.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 14, 2023
So that would mean you lose about 10% battery every hour then? So that would mean if your iphone 15 pro max is 100% battery and then you use the hotspot on your ipad... assuming you have your ipad connected to battery outlet the whole time... it would take almost 10 hours for the iphone 15 pro max to run out of battery?

So that means 10% battery drain per hour from personal hotspot usage with iphone 15 pro max? With the iphone 13 mini, it's about 14%.


macrumors 68030
Aug 6, 2022
So that would mean you lose about 10% battery every hour then? So that would mean if your iphone 15 pro max is 100% battery and then you use the hotspot on your ipad... assuming you have your ipad connected to battery outlet the whole time... it would take almost 10 hours for the iphone 15 pro max to run out of battery?

So that means 10% battery drain per hour from personal hotspot usage with iphone 15 pro max? With the iphone 13 mini, it's about 14%.

Maybe so but other factors would also come into play like what kind of signal your are getting between your phone and the tower. I do not believe I would get 10 hours, I surely would never try it.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 14, 2023
Okay. Has anyone here tried this with their iphone and used it as a router as a hotspot for their laptop because they didn't have internet? If so, what iphone model do you have and when starting at 100% battery on your laptop, how much percentage drop is there per hour on your iphone when you are on your laptop?

Is it most likely it's not possible for any iphone to last 10 hours even with the iphone 15 max pro? With the iphone 13 mini and battery at 100%, it would last close to 7 hours before the phone runs out of battery assuming you are using the hotspot the entire time on your laptop and laptop plugged in but the iphone not plugged in.

Reverend Benny

macrumors 6502a
Apr 28, 2017
I do this a few times a week for two hours when traveling on the train but can't give you any decent numbers as I use it as a router along with regular usage such as using spotify, checking news etc. Also the coverage varies a lot (4G/5G)
Sometimes I use my private 13pro and sometimes my work iphone 14, it happens that I need to I charge it while using it but haven't come across any overheating issues.

I'm sure I loose a good bit more more than 10% during my journey (roughly 1 hour one way) but again, my scenario isn't really the same as if I would be stationary.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 14, 2023
Okay. Anyone else have experience with this? Imagine your internet was down for a while and had to use your iphone as a router for your laptop and you have to do this for at least 8 hours a day. How many hours does your iphone last before battery goes to 0 from 100?


macrumors regular
May 14, 2022
Rhode Island
I used to use my iPhone 11 like that in my car, and that was for hours, sometimes 4-5 hours at a time of browsing during Skype video calls on the laptop. It would run low after use like that and I would then have to plug in to to top off in anticipation of additional use. The laptop would need to be charged more often during said use.
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