Time to face the facts: My 4th generation iPod Nanos all need a new battery.
Two out of three batteries are already swollen, judging by the black stain that has appeared to the screen. The stain on one is about 1cm long, and another one just developed a smaller stain at the end of this summer. The small stain seems to go away sometimes but I decided to clear them from data and not charge them anymore so I wouldn't make the situation worse. I have to deal with this.
The only battery that doesn't show signs of swelling lasts less than 2 hours. I have acquired these iPods in a used condition within the last 1,5 years or so, because I wanted to keep different types of data on separate iPods and not run out of space.
To my surprise, I've just sourced a shop that actually sells replacement batteries for these. But has anyone actually done it, successfully or unsuccessfully?
For the iPod with the asymptomatic battery, I would probably dare to just follow the iFixit guide if I can convince myself to not break anything due to clumsiness. But I'm worried about the swollen batteries on the other two; How dangerous is it to operate on them when in such condition?
I recently removed a swollen battery from an iPhone 3GS and it was my first such job; The front display had bulged from the edge slightly. I got the battery out but with the iPhone, it's more like "undoing a sandwich", while with an iPod Nano 4, you're supposed to slide its contents out from the top or bottom end.
Two out of three batteries are already swollen, judging by the black stain that has appeared to the screen. The stain on one is about 1cm long, and another one just developed a smaller stain at the end of this summer. The small stain seems to go away sometimes but I decided to clear them from data and not charge them anymore so I wouldn't make the situation worse. I have to deal with this.
The only battery that doesn't show signs of swelling lasts less than 2 hours. I have acquired these iPods in a used condition within the last 1,5 years or so, because I wanted to keep different types of data on separate iPods and not run out of space.
To my surprise, I've just sourced a shop that actually sells replacement batteries for these. But has anyone actually done it, successfully or unsuccessfully?
For the iPod with the asymptomatic battery, I would probably dare to just follow the iFixit guide if I can convince myself to not break anything due to clumsiness. But I'm worried about the swollen batteries on the other two; How dangerous is it to operate on them when in such condition?
I recently removed a swollen battery from an iPhone 3GS and it was my first such job; The front display had bulged from the edge slightly. I got the battery out but with the iPhone, it's more like "undoing a sandwich", while with an iPod Nano 4, you're supposed to slide its contents out from the top or bottom end.