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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 10, 2007
Raleigh NC
If you get a message like this just trash it. Its a scam, its the kind of messages that celebrities click on:

"Deаr Custοmer,

Due tο recent updаtes we аre аsking mаny οf οur custοmers tο cοnfirm their infοrmаtion. We аre mаking sure we hаve the cοrrect infοrmаtiοn οn file аnd thаt yοu аre the rightful аccοunt hοlder. Fаilure tο cοnfirm yοur identity mаy result in yοur аccοunt being suspended.

Verify Nοw frοm link belοw:

Once cοmpleted yοu mаy resume tο use yοur accοunt аs nοrmаl аnd we wοuld like tο thаnk yοu fοr tаking time οut οf yοur dаy tο cοnfirm yοur infοrmatiοn.

Fοr mοre infοrmatiοn, see οur frequently аsked questiοns.


Custοmer Suppοrt."

Claims to be from some address that you can not reply to.

Heads Up.


macrumors G4
Mar 16, 2009
The Jailbreak Community
Plus, with the wide proliferation of "phishing" emails and the constant warnings about them, anyone who will still fall for this is just plain not paying attention.


Dec 12, 2007
Anyone with any sense can utterly avoid this type of thing. An ounce of common sense beats a pound of passwords and secret questions.

I had to laugh at the big iCloud scare... celebrities go be stupid, and then Apple takes the fall. Yeah, right.

Telltale sign is that spam emails start with a generic 'dear customer' whereas a legit email is likely to use your name.

No, a legit email is likely to use your official email address. That's how I knew it was really a Nigerian prince trying to give me his sister and 10 million dollars. :D


macrumors 6502a
Jul 9, 2009
Plus, with the wide proliferation of "phishing" emails and the constant warnings about them, anyone who will still fall for this is just plain not paying attention.

It's still far too common, even with people who should know better. My mom recently got a text from "the bank" about some fraudulent activity. Luckily, she called the bank directly instead of replying to the text and found out it was a scam.
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