I'd reconsider this statement as I think talking to others is a fair first point of researching a topic. In this case the "others" may not be locally available and making this this type of post, in my opinion, can be just as valid as any other in the deciding a coarse of action.
I'm not sure if my point was clear or not. The point I was trying to make is that programming by nature requires finding answers to many questions. One of the skill in finding answers is to search to see if the question has already been answered.
I'm not sure if "locally available" matters and qualification for "valid" wasn't the primary issue. Many have the habit of lurking, look at the views vs replies. They find a topic and read it if they have an interest. In the end, you have a higher quality of discussion vs a whole bunch of questions that have already been answered.
This is actually a control of SO (StackOverflow). It works very well for controlling the number of dupe questions. Most forums have a FAQ or something that covers some of the "where to start" questions, I thought we had one here but I seem to miss it now.
Again, I'm not trying to stop someone from learning, IMO, he would be well served to jump into a thread like the one I linked to, as the question has already been answered.
I am interested in coding apps like Instagram, Vine, Tinder, Snapchat, etc. Basically social media apps.
I am also interested in a bit of game design. Can anyone suggest any books or where to start?
Ok, much better question. TY for reposting.
What you are looking at includes what's known as a backend server.
http://www.raywenderlich.com/ has some tutorials related to this.
I like BNR (Big Nerd Ranch) for books.
I like Lynda.com for learning videos.
Sometimes YouTube has some good info, but the age of the video should be considered as iOS changes quickly.
A word of caution, someone posted an example where he did the same years ago and was hit with high server costs because of people pirating his app, using the server without paying. Server costs can vary, best to check for options.
Another option is to purchase a ready made template to learn from and maybe modify for use.