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Things keep changing so you must read all posts.
So... a few days ago, I worked on my beige g3. I put in my 2 AA battery pack and connected to the PRAM, but the flickering connection corrputed the PRAM. No problem though, a PRAM reset solved it.
The machine started getting all wonky and sometimes it would work and sometimes it wouldn't (more about this later). One time it managed to, kind of, boot into the OS 9 folder, but then got stuck and never did that again. After a few tries to boot it just got stuck at a white screen with a '_' (underscore) in the upper left corner. So I reseated all the RAM and the VRAM and the voltage regulator thing, and then after that it worked. Now here is a weird thing that happened: the machine tried to boot into OS X like it always would do--get stuck at the happy face--but then it restarted and came back with the floppy with the question mark on it. And it always did this since.
I booted into the OS install disk, and tested the hard drives; they were fine. I didn't have time to go through an OS X install so I put it away and did it another day.
Few days later I had time to install OS X, and booted up... and guess what? The optical drive decided to randomly go kaput out of the blue.
So this is my problem... when I put a CD in the disk drive, it seems to spin at a low speed and I hear the I/O lens move every ~5 seconds. The 'Busy' light stays illuminated constantly. When I eject the disk and then close the tray (with no disk in it), sometimes the motor would spin up to a high speed for a moment. This only happens sometimes when I close it, but not always.
I thought some dust may have gotten on the lens, so I took it apart to see what I could get to. I went as far as removing both circuit boards and removing some dust but no farther than that. There was a loose piece of plastic bouncing around, which was always there, that I got out.
After I put the thing back together, the disk drive seemed to work properly now... BUT NOW THE DAMN G3 DIDNT WORK! After repeated restarting and trying different things, the G3 worked again BUT NOW THE DISK DRIVE DONT WORK AGAIN! So I made a lens cleaner disk and tried that, but it did not work. It did fix my MacBook Pro ODD though .
This ODD is a Pioneer DVD-RW drive, CODE DVR-A05, MFD. Jan 2003.
All through this the machine would not always boot... sometimes it would boot fine (to the question mark floppy), sometimes it would power on but not show any display, sometimes it would do the same but make a glass-breaking sound, and sometimes it would boot to a blank screen with a '_' (underscore) in the upper right corner. And I think it may randomly shut down too... I've had it shut down a couple times when it started with no display appear. It's all random. Could it be bad RAM?
I've had random freezing problems before this when the Jaguar install worked; it seemed to happen after I installed 10.2.8 but it froze in the installer too so it is not software.
So these are the two problems I need fixing:
1. ODD doesn't wanna work
2. Machine randomly fails to boot sometimes
I care more about the ODD and if the machine is completely kaput, I still want a functional ODD.
Things keep changing so you must read all posts.
So... a few days ago, I worked on my beige g3. I put in my 2 AA battery pack and connected to the PRAM, but the flickering connection corrputed the PRAM. No problem though, a PRAM reset solved it.
The machine started getting all wonky and sometimes it would work and sometimes it wouldn't (more about this later). One time it managed to, kind of, boot into the OS 9 folder, but then got stuck and never did that again. After a few tries to boot it just got stuck at a white screen with a '_' (underscore) in the upper left corner. So I reseated all the RAM and the VRAM and the voltage regulator thing, and then after that it worked. Now here is a weird thing that happened: the machine tried to boot into OS X like it always would do--get stuck at the happy face--but then it restarted and came back with the floppy with the question mark on it. And it always did this since.
I booted into the OS install disk, and tested the hard drives; they were fine. I didn't have time to go through an OS X install so I put it away and did it another day.
Few days later I had time to install OS X, and booted up... and guess what? The optical drive decided to randomly go kaput out of the blue.
So this is my problem... when I put a CD in the disk drive, it seems to spin at a low speed and I hear the I/O lens move every ~5 seconds. The 'Busy' light stays illuminated constantly. When I eject the disk and then close the tray (with no disk in it), sometimes the motor would spin up to a high speed for a moment. This only happens sometimes when I close it, but not always.
I thought some dust may have gotten on the lens, so I took it apart to see what I could get to. I went as far as removing both circuit boards and removing some dust but no farther than that. There was a loose piece of plastic bouncing around, which was always there, that I got out.
After I put the thing back together, the disk drive seemed to work properly now... BUT NOW THE DAMN G3 DIDNT WORK! After repeated restarting and trying different things, the G3 worked again BUT NOW THE DISK DRIVE DONT WORK AGAIN! So I made a lens cleaner disk and tried that, but it did not work. It did fix my MacBook Pro ODD though .
This ODD is a Pioneer DVD-RW drive, CODE DVR-A05, MFD. Jan 2003.
All through this the machine would not always boot... sometimes it would boot fine (to the question mark floppy), sometimes it would power on but not show any display, sometimes it would do the same but make a glass-breaking sound, and sometimes it would boot to a blank screen with a '_' (underscore) in the upper right corner. And I think it may randomly shut down too... I've had it shut down a couple times when it started with no display appear. It's all random. Could it be bad RAM?
I've had random freezing problems before this when the Jaguar install worked; it seemed to happen after I installed 10.2.8 but it froze in the installer too so it is not software.
So these are the two problems I need fixing:
1. ODD doesn't wanna work
2. Machine randomly fails to boot sometimes
I care more about the ODD and if the machine is completely kaput, I still want a functional ODD.
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