Hi all,
Been offered a stupid price for my 2012 MBP, which stays tethered to my desk 99% of the time anyway, figured I might move to a Pro or an iMac.
I do use FCP but my 2012 MBP has been fine for the stuff I use it for, I have another more powerful non-Apple laptop that work has given me that I use for my own stuff when needed anyway.
I like to tinker.
What is the best bang for buck Pro, in regards to processor and memory upgrades? The last time I did this I maxed a dual 2.0 PowerMac G5, flashed a 9800 Pro for it and all that good stuff - What's the bargain basement Mac Pro at the moment I can spend decent money on to get working well?
I doesn't have to run Mojave but it'd be nice...
Been offered a stupid price for my 2012 MBP, which stays tethered to my desk 99% of the time anyway, figured I might move to a Pro or an iMac.
I do use FCP but my 2012 MBP has been fine for the stuff I use it for, I have another more powerful non-Apple laptop that work has given me that I use for my own stuff when needed anyway.
I like to tinker.
What is the best bang for buck Pro, in regards to processor and memory upgrades? The last time I did this I maxed a dual 2.0 PowerMac G5, flashed a 9800 Pro for it and all that good stuff - What's the bargain basement Mac Pro at the moment I can spend decent money on to get working well?
I doesn't have to run Mojave but it'd be nice...