just buy refurb, whats the point of buying an old iPhone new?
Well aside from the fact you're guaranteed no marks or scratches on the screen, guaranteed a fresh battery, guaranteed no degradation of the flash storage, guaranteed no scratches on the cameras, guaranteed no issues regardless.
Refurbished is an excellent option but there is the slim chance something is wrong with the phone that the refurbished process missed. Example: When Jonathan Horst of LMG's Mac Address bought a refurbished M1 Macbook Air off of the Apple Refurbished Store, the Mac was in demo mode, so Apple sold him a store demo model by accident (fortunately they did exchange it for a proper refurb)
Most folks are forgetting the other benefit of unlocked phones: no carrier bloatware. You can't uninstall the carrier bloatware, not even with root access.😣
Or the fact you can use it as a pocket computer without any cellular required since Apple unceremoniously killed the iPod last year so if you want a DAP that runs iOS, an unlocked iPhone is your only option.
I have Verizon and T-Mobile dual sim and the simultaneous data service is awesome. People are missing out.
I'm probably gonna get a Verizon dual sim soon because god damn AT&T's data coverage is so bad.
All come with their very own sim tray 🎁
I'm sorry man but the sim tray is probably gonna get headphone jack'd soon as more carriers are adopting eSIM with Apple's move, as rumors are the iPhone 15 will be cutting the SIM tray for Europe and Canada next.
I stopped buying carrier-locked iPhones a very long time ago. I only purchase unlocked iPhones. Cellular Service works like magic simultaneously! 📶
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For a sec there I thought this was my phone since that blurred wallpaper looks eerily familiar to mine.
That's kind of pointless then.
Why? The iPhone 12 and 13 are still good (hell I'd argue the 13 is better than the 14 in everyway since you got the option of a Mini with the 13.)