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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Best Buy is expected to announce that they will begin selling the iPhone 3G next month, according to AppleInsider.

The announcement should come as early as Wednesday and represents the first time a 3rd party U.S. retailer will be selling Apple's iPhone. The iPhone will reportedly be sold in 970 Best Buy stores in addition to 16 Best Buy Mobile specialty outlets starting on September 7th.

Rumors of Best Buy's interest in the iPhone began over a year ago. More recently, Boy Genius Report had heard that both Best Buy and Radio Shack had been working on iPhone distribution. There has been no further word on any distribution deals with Radio Shack, however.

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That sounds like a good idea to get the phones out there, but considering stock is limited, why would they open it to even more places and cause an even greater shortage?

At least they aren't going with Radio Shack according to the rumor - the image of Radio Shack seems to be deteriorating....


I've been told by Best Buy employees in the past "We do not and will not EVER stock Apple products" when shopping for a new laptop as well as portable music player.

I'd love to be able to find the few employees who made this comment to me in the past and shove it up their rear ends.
I remember when the iPhone EDGE came out, that at&t had expected to do roll out to all their resellers (including Best Buy and Radio Shack) in about a year. So it looks like that may happen. The only problem might be places where there Best Buy stores, but not at&t service. What happens then?

Also, Best Buy has been selling Apple Systems in a large number of their stores for about a year now. While they are still in their roll out phase with that, I doubt that it will be too long before we see Macs in every store. Heck, Flint, Michigan's Best Buy has them.

Also, this Best Buy deal may also extend to selling the iPhone at Best Buys and Future Shops in Canada, making it so people don't have to directly interact with Rogers or Fido staff.

Nail Me To The Floor

Does it come with shackles - the veritable ball-n-chain configuration?
Yes, deteriorating from dust molecules to their constituent atoms.

Right now the only purpose of Radio Shack is to quickly get some electronic components and a bread board, maybe batteries (if you can't use Google). Everything else is overpriced. And the computers and TVs they sell suck.

To-date, I have never had a good experience at Best Buy. The employees there treat many customers like pond scum and trying to get actual help is an uphill battle. They may as well slap my face with a dead trout every time I walk into their store—the Best Buy experience would be so much more enjoyable that way.
and who on earth will support these iphones at best buy. They are clueless over there. Their support staff have no clue about technology. I can already see it now..sir you will have to call apple with that question..etc...
If this is true, it's a significant development. This would be a huge benefit to Apple as it would lead to a spike in iPhone 3G sales and would be a strategic move ahead of the holiday season.

Additionally, I say this argues against any upcoming iPhone 3G shortages as Best Buy wouldn't enter into such a deal without being ensured adequate supply.


I've been told by Best Buy employees in the past "We do not and will not EVER stock Apple products" when shopping for a new laptop as well as portable music player.

I'd love to be able to find the few employees who made this comment to me in the past and shove it up their rear ends.

As the OP says, they are going to be offered in a limited number of stores. The Best Buy closest to me, does (did) sell Apple products, my parents bought a Mac Mini there about 4 years ago, I also believe that I have seen iPods there from time to time. This is in south eastern Washington
Honestly, I've had good experiences at Best Buy. But then again, I haven't had to interact with their staff except to purchase the items I found. Their organization of all the different items they've had for sale means I've NEVER had to ask someone for assistance finding something (and if I'm buying an electronics item, I have ALWAYS done my research)!

If Apple got Best Buy to expand the stores selling Apple products, we'd ALL be better off. If we didn't have an Apple or an AT&T store near us, we'd more than likely have a Best Buy selling Apple products near us (unless Apple plans more store openings, which seems extremely unlikely to me).

Where will they get the iPhones?

The local Apples stores around here still get only a few iPhones a day, and sell out to the people waiting at the door (yes, it's _still_ happening). So where are all the Best Buy stores going to get all these iPhones?
Best Buy? iPhone? not a good match

When you go into a Best Buy to buy any Apple accessories or a new computer the Geek squad will set it all up for you before you leave the store, they will put on great software to attack any virus you might get. What? and now these fools are going to be selling iPhone? Sure hope they give "Skippy" a little training before they turn him loose on the general public......iPhone - Best Buy.....don't think so
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