Same thing at my local Apple Store. They had it in stock, but wouldn't even let me look at it let alone buy it. To top it off, they wouldn't give me a sell date.
BTW, OP just because your store said no doesn't mean every store will answer the same way. Never hurts too ask. I've turned no's into yeses plenty of times.
I didn't really push at the Apple Store, but if I did, I could've bought one.
just talked to my store, they have several models and said they are for sale today!!!!!
I just bought one too. I saved $200 on the new model. $1304 before taxes![]()
I just bought one too. I saved $200 on the new model. $1304 before taxes![]()
They probably want the 10% and/or edu coupon to run its course first right?
Or stock pile inventory
where do i get the coupons mentioned. I want to buy a mbp at bb. Tnx
This MR member was told that it is an "Apple Store exclusive" until Sunday. But he was told by a BB employee, so you never know for sure. You might want to post in his thread to make him feel better.
That might be the case in that area. I know that you can go online and order it already, but maybe there is an agreement with Apple in his location. I can tell you that the Bestbuy I went to is a large volume store - so they were probably allowed to sell it. The macbooks were on the shelves above merchandise so they were not readily available, unlike the older ones.
Again, a YMMV situation.....
10% off movers coupon stacked with $50 education coupon.
This is YMMV but it is possible. I normally just tell the employee to just try it, even though I know it works in their system. Sometimes they say you can only use one coupon, but the system allows it.
The coupons are good until the middle of April, so maybe there is another reason as to why they are holding back the inventory.
I am in West Virginia, if you haven't been recently in the last few hours, best buy had a glitch in their system that wouldn't allow them to sell it but they can now scan the barcode and let you buy
they were probably talking referring about the 12" retina macbook, not the refreshed rMBP 13"I was told at my best buy that the new Mac books won't be in Stock till April so who knows