If you are using Davinci Resolve you have several options:
1) Apple Log LUT the is included with Davinci Resolve--least desirable because you are not working in a linear color space. Resist the urge to use this simple method because things will never look quite right.
2) Resolve Color Management using the include Apple Log conversion. Works good if you are using one camera.
3) Color Space Transforms. Most flexible, particularly if you are using more than one camera. With this method you will convert from Apple Log to Davinci Wide Gamut, do your grading, and then in most instances, convert to Rec 709--this is what I do as do most others. Works great.
Here's a video on how to do it:
Mostyn has additional videos to help you learn more about color management in Davinci Resolve. One more thing. If you are using an Apple laptop or display make sure you have the Output Color Space set to Rec 709-A. The A stands for Apple. This way your colors will look correct when you publish to any of the social media platforms.
Hope this helps,