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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 13, 2012

Fan Control 1.2 is a very good(even best) open source SW which support automatically adjusting fan speed based on the CPU temperature.

However, it doesn't support RMBP. in RMBP, you get CPU at 0 degree all the time. The reason is Apple changed RMBP CPU temperature sensor address in SMC. So it doesn't work.

I made some modification about source code, compiled/built it and now share with you. Because I don't have time to make any installation package which is .pkg or .dmg file, so it needs some manual work.

I tested it on my RMBP 13, and works great, it should be working with RMBP 15 as well(99% sure)

This modified Fan Control only support MBP with Retina! for other Mac, please use the original version.

Here is the installation instruction:

1.First install the original version Fan Control. click "Fan Control 1.2.dmg" in the attached zip file. It may need restart after installation, if it's needed, just restart, no harm.

2.Copy the file in zip name is "FanControlDaemon" to /Library/StartupItems/FanControlDaemon (there is already a file exist with same name, just replace it, may need input root password)

3.Then copy "Fan Control.prefPane" in zip file to /Library/PreferencePanes just replace the existing.

4.Open terminal, run following command one by one:(If don't modify owner and group, mac will forbid it to be started up when computer booting)
4.1 cd /Library/StartupItems/FanControlDaemon
4.2 sudo chown root FanControlDaemon
4.3 sudo chgrp wheel FanControlDaemon

5.Restart Mac, then you can find fan control in "control panel" and start using it.

6.enjoy it:)

ps. the readme.txt in zip file is in Chinese, if you are able to read it, just read it, the content has been translated to English above.

btw, I am using CPU Proximity sensor, so not core sensor to measure the temperature.


  • Screenshot+2012-12-13+at+14.35.02.png
    143.7 KB · Views: 1,106
  • FanControl-Updated to Support
    2.1 MB · Views: 4,285
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macrumors newbie
Dec 25, 2012
please provide info

Hi Iam using rmbp 13 and I would like to remove fan control 1.2 permanently, Ive tried different methods but they wont work


macrumors newbie
Feb 2, 2013
Need help

would appreciate the help. 4.Open terminal...
What am I doing wrong?
When I open the console and give command input, it comes:

xxx-MacBook-Pro:~ xxx$ cd /Library/StartupItems/FanControlDaemon
-bash: cd: /Library/StartupItems/FanControlDaemon: Not a directory
xxx-MacBook-Pro:~ xxx$ Sudo chown root FanControlDaemon
Password: xxx
chown: FanControlDaemon: No such file or directory
xxxx-MacBook-Pro:~ xxx$ Sudo chgrp wheel FanControlDaemon
chgrp: FanControlDaemon: No such file or directory
Would appreciate an answer


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 13, 2012
would appreciate the help. 4.Open terminal...
What am I doing wrong?
When I open the console and give command input, it comes:

xxx-MacBook-Pro:~ xxx$ cd /Library/StartupItems/FanControlDaemon
-bash: cd: /Library/StartupItems/FanControlDaemon: Not a directory
xxx-MacBook-Pro:~ xxx$ Sudo chown root FanControlDaemon
Password: xxx
chown: FanControlDaemon: No such file or directory
xxxx-MacBook-Pro:~ xxx$ Sudo chgrp wheel FanControlDaemon
chgrp: FanControlDaemon: No such file or directory
Would appreciate an answer


You need first install the original FanControl.dmg, which is included in the zip attachment. Otherwise, you won't be able to find this directory.

Are you using ML or Lion?


macrumors newbie
Feb 2, 2013
I use OS X 10.8.2.
First I installed the original FanControl.dmg.

Tried it at first to point.
4.2 sudo chown root FanControlDaemon.
Then came one warning alert.
Have unfortunately not registered, if it worked before.
But bask would have probably no warning.
Then I error is undermined.
I copied 4.3 "sudo chgrp wheel FanControlDaemonund" and 2x accidentally entered with anything else.
After this command has been displayed with an error message.
I just carried on with 4.3 sudo chgrp wheel FanControlDaemon.
return an error message.
So I uninstalled and installed fan control again.
Began again with 1.First install the original version Fan Control.
And now at 4.1 cd / Library / StartupItems / FanControlDaemon is Not a directory
and in section 4.2 sudo chown root FanControlDaemon. No more warning.

After a restart it comes a warning: Insecure Startup Items disabled.

Do I shot something?
Or can I still save it?
Os x install new?

Thanks for help.


macrumors newbie
Feb 2, 2013
osx have set in the fac state (without re-creation).
So forget the previous post.
Unfortunately at 4.1 cd / Library / StartupItems / FanControlDaemon
the same problem again:
cd / Library / StartupItems / FanControlDaemon: Not a directory
What am I doing wrong?
Do I need any prior authorizations that grant?

Can I open it on this way?
Which letter I need to open?

Joachim-MacBook-Pro: StartupItems joachim $ cd / Library / StartupItems /
Joachim-MacBook-Pro: StartupItems joachim $ ls
Joachim-MacBook-Pro: open StartupItems joachim $
Usage: open [-e] [-t] [-f] [-w] [-R] [-n] [-g] [-h] [-b <bundle identifier>] [-a <application>] [filenames] [- args arguments]
Help: Open opens files from a shell.
****** By default, opens each file using the default application for that file.
****** If the file is in the form of a URL, the file will be opened as a URL.
****** -a Opens with the specified application.
****** -b Opens with the specified application bundle identifier.
****** -e Opens with TextEdit.
****** -t Opens with default text editor.
****** -f Reads input from standard input and opens with TextEdit.
****** F - fresh launches the app fresh, that is, without restoring windows. Saved persistent state is lost, excluding Untitled documents.
****** -R, - reveal Selects in the Finder instead of opening.
****** -W, - wait-apps Blocks until the used applications are closed (even if they were already running).
********** - args All remaining arguments are passed in argv to the application's main () function instead of opened.
****** -n, - new Open a new instance of the application even if one is already running.
****** -j, - hide the app launches hidden.
****** -g, - background Does not bring the application to the foreground.
****** -h, - header Searches header file locations for headers matching the given filenames, and opens them.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 13, 2012
I use OS X 10.8.2.
First I installed the original FanControl.dmg.
Tried it at first to point.
4.2 sudo chown root FanControlDaemon.
Then came one warning alert.
Have unfortunately not registered, if it worked before.
But bask would have probably no warning.
Then I error is undermined.
I copied 4.3 "sudo chgrp wheel FanControlDaemonund" and 2x accidentally entered with anything else.
After this command has been displayed with an error message.
I just carried on with 4.3 sudo chgrp wheel FanControlDaemon.
return an error message.
So I uninstalled and installed fan control again.
Began again with 1.First install the original version Fan Control.
And now at 4.1 cd / Library / StartupItems / FanControlDaemon is Not a directory
and in section 4.2 sudo chown root FanControlDaemon. No more warning.

After a restart it comes a warning: Insecure Startup Items disabled.

Do I shot something?
Or can I still save it?
Os x install new?

Thanks for help.

Hi, in step2 , when you copy the file, please copy it to inside the folder /Library/StartupItems/FanControlDaemon, please check if you actually replaced it one level higher folder. Two folder names are same and they are parent/son folders.


macrumors newbie
Feb 2, 2013
Thank you very much
I'm a mac newbie:eek:

Here are the commands:
Joachim-MacBook-Pro: ~ joachim $ cd / Library / StartupItems / FanControlDaemon
Joachim-MacBook-Pro: FanControlDaemon joachim $ sudo chown root FanControlDaemon

WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss
or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your
typing when using sudo. Type "sudo" for more information.

To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.

Password: xxx
Joachim-MacBook-Pro: FanControlDaemon joachim $ sudo chgrp wheel FanControlDaemon

It is now invisible started after the restart?
How can I notice whether it is running?
In "User groups - login items", I can not find it.
Do I have to copy it in there manually?
If so, what file?


Hi Iam using rmbp 13 and I would like to remove fan control 1.2 permanently, Ive tried different methods but they wont work
you need to delete the two files:
1. Library/StartupItems/FanControlDaemon
2. Library/PreferencePanes/Fan Control.prefPane


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 13, 2012
Thank you very much
I'm a mac newbie:eek:

Here are the commands:
Joachim-MacBook-Pro: ~ joachim $ cd / Library / StartupItems / FanControlDaemon
Joachim-MacBook-Pro: FanControlDaemon joachim $ sudo chown root FanControlDaemon

WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss
or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your
typing when using sudo. Type "sudo" for more information.

To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.

Password: xxx
Joachim-MacBook-Pro: FanControlDaemon joachim $ sudo chgrp wheel FanControlDaemon

It is now invisible started after the restart?
=> yes, now it can start up automatically

How can I notice whether it is running?
=> Go to OSX system setting panel, you can find "Fan Control" icon there, open it, you can find tempature etc. there.

In "User groups - login items", I can not find it.
=> it's not visible there, doesn't matter.

Do I have to copy it in there manually?
=> no need copy there.
If so, what file?
=> no.

you need to delete the two files:
1. Library/StartupItems/FanControlDaemon
2. Library/PreferencePanes/Fan Control.prefPane

find my answers above embedded.

Just check the OSX system setting panel(or ,you can call it OSX preference setting panel), at the bottom, you should be able to find fan control panel. enjoy it:)


macrumors newbie
Mar 8, 2013
thank you so much!

Thanks for this, have been waiting months for someone to update this for the rmbp - runs like clockwork!

One query however: in smcfancontrol, istatpro, etc., the maximum speed available for the fans is 7600rpm, which the OS allows so I assume it's safe.

How come this app caps the max speed at 6000rpm? Can this be changed? Is there a reason for it being capped?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 12, 2009
I wonder why did you use CPU proximity instead of CPU die? Is it easy to change SMC address in source code?

Edit: I have compilation issues, are we supposed to use 10.8 SDK or legacy sdk? I suppose the old one (and therefore a problem with 32-bit mode reload to launch preference pane), but meh.... I don't have it locally...

And what's the actual address you have to use to access one of the core sensors? TC1D - TC4D? something else?
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macrumors 6502a
Jun 12, 2009
I was busy with work so only today I managed to install SLS with Xcode 3 as a VM. I used TC0F sensor address (the one guys from Lubbo's Fan Control team suggested), it's working on my rMBP and temperature is even 2-3C higher than CPU DIE shown by iStat Menus 4.



  • Second build (TC0F).zip
    83.6 KB · Views: 288


macrumors newbie
Mar 26, 2013
I was busy with work so only today I managed to install SLS with Xcode 3 as a VM. I used TC0F sensor address (the one guys from Lubbo's Fan Control team suggested), it's working on my rMBP and temperature is even 2-3C higher than CPU DIE shown by iStat Menus 4.


Thanks for this! This really helps.

The new mac 10.8.3 fan update is causing my macbook pro retina 15" to heat up when running on 75% (i.e. 6 cores). The fan starts up really slow and I hear a crackling type noise from the board that i have never heard before. This s/w really cools it however 6000rpm is a bit too much i think and the fan is screaming. How i can i reduce the max rpm to say 5000??? Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 12, 2009
Thanks for this! This really helps.

The new mac 10.8.3 fan update is causing my macbook pro retina 15" to heat up when running on 75% (i.e. 6 cores). The fan starts up really slow and I hear a crackling type noise from the board that i have never heard before. This s/w really cools it however 6000rpm is a bit too much i think and the fan is screaming. How i can i reduce the max rpm to say 5000??? Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

Well, you can't. I can try to recompile it using 5000rpm but I'm not going to install it on my machine :) So if you're willing to participate, I will send you the test version :cool:

Just for general information - CPU heat is not linear to CPU load. If you already have 4 or 6 threads running, you're already at approximately 90% of your max power consumption. Going to 8 threads will only add a little bit.


macrumors newbie
Mar 26, 2013
Hi, Can't thank you enough! This is really cool! Worked really well!

Kept a cool 83^o c at under 5K rpm with 6 CPU at 100%. According to the "Temp. gauge" app from app store (that i bought before getting to know about the forum); specification suggests the left fan has a max. rpm of 5940 and right fan a slightly lower max. rpm of 5499. The right is always ticking a ~100rpm or so lower than the left at idle. At peak, they both run at equal rpm with the help of the fan control app, which sort of flags a medium level warning in the temp. gauge app for the right fan only just after 4.5K (note: this is a rpm flag not a temp. flag). At 6K max, the right fan was in the red zone!-i.e.max power of 5499 which it cant exceed. Hopefully no damage done to the inners - as i just did it once. I think if there was a way to set up 5K rpm for left and ~4.5K-4.8K?? rpm for right as max. rpm - for the fan control app, then i guess that would be the ideal scenario. However my guess is that fan control app has only one parameter to tweak, i.e the overall max rpm?

Having said that, even with 5K RPM setting - as far as a Mbpr 15" 2.6 i7 16gig ram is concerned- i find all vital stats 'hunky-dory' and much quieter. Good for the battery too!

Thanks again and highly appreciate it!

Well, you can't. I can try to recompile it using 5000rpm but I'm not going to install it on my machine :) So if you're willing to participate, I will send you the test version :cool:

Just for general information - CPU heat is not linear to CPU load. If you already have 4 or 6 threads running, you're already at approximately 90% of your max power consumption. Going to 8 threads will only add a little bit.


macrumors newbie
Apr 6, 2013
Wow! This is extremely helpful tool! Can't thank you enough! Now my laptop runs with much lower temperature (it's actually bearable to hold it on lap while watching movie).


macrumors newbie
Apr 16, 2013
Thanks for this tool. I´m a bit confused. smc Fan Control shows me 70 Degree (Celsius), iStat Menu about 72 Degree and Fan Control (this here) 55 Degree. What is right ? When i touch the RMBP it seems Fan Control is right. But how i know ? My fans are most of the time unhearable (even if SMC and iStat show about 90 (!) Degree an more). Can anyone confirm that this tool works for him flawlessly ? :) I would like to believe it, otherwise i should send my RMBP back. Sometimes i should do this (got a dead pixel after 3 Weeks…)


macrumors newbie
Jul 21, 2014
I was busy with work so only today I managed to install SLS with Xcode 3 as a VM. I used TC0F sensor address (the one guys from Lubbo's Fan Control team suggested), it's working on my rMBP and temperature is even 2-3C higher than CPU DIE shown by iStat Menus 4.



I want to get back to life this thread because I've been using this build you created, in Mavericks. Since I installed Yosemite public beta 5 it stopped working by compatibility issues, I believe. Fan Control now shows 0ºC and 0RPM for my MacBook Pro 13'' (mid 2012, core i7 2.9GHz).

Is there any possibility from you to fix this program? The temperature sensor is the same one: TC0F, I use it on Windows with Lubbo's Fan Control, as well.

I would be really, really grateful.

EDIT: I tried to remove it, resetting the SMC and reinstalling it with your read-me file, but it didn't work.
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