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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 7, 2011
What games run well (both user side, and on the computer) especially in less ideal gaming conditions.
  • Hot weather (hitting 100F+, 36C).
  • No WiFi, Internet
  • On Airplane
  • No AC Power (using battery)
  • Etc.
I will be traveling and I want some nice games to play when I do find spare time with nothing to do. Most likely no internet/WiFi.

Current List
  • Portal 2 (On Chapter 6)

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What Mac are you using? Dragon Age 2 is a very good game but ported from Windows so doesn't perform as well on OSX. I can't play on much better than low res and low detail on my 8600m GT but my brother's 330m can play on medium just fine.
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is a great game, any other Bioware game for that matter (Dragon Age, Mass effect, etc.) will be fun.
i guess i will be the first to say world of warcraft. i've been thinking about reinstalling it but monthly fees are not worth it at all imo, however the game runs really well on osx. stopped playing though because a recent patch destroyed the osx client, im sure they fixed it by now though.

edit: lol, just noticed the "no internet" part. errr, there aren't too many good osx titles that can be played w/o a connection, i would look in to boot camp if this is important to you.
awesome game! When i played it 1-2 years ago it didn't have many levels but you can still make high scores etc, even in the same levels. You MUST have that.

By the way, if it's 36C in the plane I wouldn't suggest a gpu-intensive game, it will get your mac very hot (apple's operational temperature for their macs is up to 35C!).
Also, you could try playing on emulators (for gba-ds-psp-ps1-ps2). You'll have access to many many games with those.
I'm hooked on solitaire. I can run it for over 8 hours and it's addicting as hell.

It's one of the top free apps in the Mac App Store - Full Deck Solitaire.
awesome game! When i played it 1-2 years ago it didn't have many levels but you can still make high scores etc, even in the same levels. You MUST have that.

By the way, if it's 36C in the plane I wouldn't suggest a gpu-intensive game, it will get your mac very hot (apple's operational temperature for their macs is up to 35C!).
Also, you could try playing on emulators (for gba-ds-psp-ps1-ps2). You'll have access to many many games with those.

Unless it's an old 3rd world country plane I highly doubt it'll ever get 36C hot.
Can Spore be played without a connection? (Away right now, so can't try). If it can, it's a wonderful time-killer that doesn't kill the battery.
What Mac are you using? Dragon Age 2 is a very good game but ported from Windows so doesn't perform as well on OSX. I can't play on much better than low res and low detail on my 8600m GT but my brother's 330m can play on medium just fine.

Using base line 13". 2.3GHz, 4GB RAM.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is a great game, any other Bioware game for that matter (Dragon Age, Mass effect, etc.) will be fun.

I'll look into Dragon Age

i guess i will be the first to say world of warcraft. i've been thinking about reinstalling it but monthly fees are not worth it at all imo, however the game runs really well on osx. stopped playing though because a recent patch destroyed the osx client, im sure they fixed it by now though.

edit: lol, just noticed the "no internet" part. errr, there aren't too many good osx titles that can be played w/o a connection, i would look in to boot camp if this is important to you.

Yeah, even if I had internet, not a WoW fan. I do play League of Legends tho :p

Civilization V is extremely addictive and so is The Sims 3.

Civilization V looks good.

Will look into that :p

Sims 3

Half Life 2

Left 4 dead 2

Played L4D2.
Half Life 2 is good with no internet?
brokenbuyer said:
Using base line 13". 2.3GHz, 4GB RAM.

I think you'll be fine with Dragon Age. I just realised that I said low res, what I meant was low detail and low or no AA but at native resolution. Your HD3000 should be close to the 8600 and the 13" has a lower res so you should do fine.
Remember to put Steam in offline mode before you leave, as it needs the Internet to verify offline mode.

Otherwise, might I suggest the following:

Angry Birds
Plants vs. Zombies
World of Goo

I would normally recommend VALVe's catalog of games, but I doubt the battery would last long playing them. Heck, even the games I've mentioned will probably take a toll on the battery. You might want to get an external battery. From what I've heard, HyperJuice sells some good external batteries. Same goes for Battery Geek.
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World of Goo, Plants versus Zombies, Minecraft, Aquaria... Generally if you have the first Humble Indie Bundle, you should be all set.

If not, World of Goo and PvZ are those quick level-based games, while Aquaria is in itself a full size game. I swear, it's one of the only games I've actually cranked the volume up to full and then some. The soundtrack is well composed and arranged.

Alternatively, some other games that come to mind include Dwarf Fortress. If you're worried about battery life, looking for some Flash Games from Kongregate or Armorgames and seeing if you can get the .swf file to play locally may also help for entertainment.

If not, movies and music are always excellent substitutes. Or sleep. :)
I will probably look for an external battery, but not for this trip.
Well let's forget about battery. On the plane I'll probably watch movies (laptop/plane) and not much of gaming.

So the situation is only no WiFi/internet and heat.

Games I Have Now
  • Portal 2
  • Solitaire
  • World of Goo

Keep those recommendations coming!
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