I'm still using this. It's the smartest, minimalist design I've used.
Slipping it in/out of pockets due to the thinness is a reminder of how clever it is.
It doesn't get dirty as the back never touches the surface, & due to having no sides, your fingers have full reach behind & to the far side, so grip's as good as if you had no case on. This then results in your thumb gaining extra reach on the screen, for improved one handed use.
You can put it face down without worrying about scratching the screen.
You get over the exposed sides, as the lustre of having a shiny new device usually wanes over time, so worrying about scratches becomes less of a big deal. But it's minimised anyway, since your hand is covering the sides, which are sticky on the X...enhancing your grip & reducing the chances of you dropping the thing.
iPhone X Case (5.8"), DesignSkin [Corner]: