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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 27, 2016
Hi everyone,

I just borrowed a Switch to try out from a friend before I buy one and so far I'm still trying to find a good reason to get one. I already have a WiiU and a 3DS and this "feels" a lot like those. I am currently playing Breath of the Wild on the WiiU so I wouldn't play that on the Swich. I AM waiting for the sequel, Breath of the Wild 2, and will almost certainly get a Switch just for that, but aside from that particular game I haven't really seen anything else that I don't already have on the WiiU or 3DS or I want. I tried Mario Odyssey and didn't really get into it, I guess I prefer side scrolling Mario Games to this.

Anyways, thanks for any advice!

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Some games for the switch are Wii U Ports or remakes with better graphics. This isn’t necessarily a negative as you could replace your Wii U and 3DS with a switch. However games like animal crossing are a big leap forward on the switch. Night and day difference in features, graphics and gameplay compared to the Wii Version.

The minimal loading times and generous storages makes the switch a delight to play on. My only major criticism is that games are expensive. Even 3-5 year old games are still full price when bought new and just 10-20% cheaper when bought used.
Super Mario Maker 2 is great. I picked it up about a week ago and find a lot to enjoy there. Making levels/courses is fun and playing ones that others have made is challenging in both good and bad ways. There’s some very creative people out there and it’s in full evidence here. Playing online is fun too. And it’s pure side scroller. No 3D levels. I’m playing Story Mode, so that at least gives you some sort of structure.
Mario Kart 9 has been in the works for a bit supposedly, but who knows if it'll be released on the Switch or if they're waiting to release it on the next console.

I honestly think it would be a cool idea if they just came out with a new dock that adds more RAM or something, turning the Switch into a Switch Pro. Kind of like the Expansion Pack for the N64. Just a thought.
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Hi everyone,

I just borrowed a Switch to try out from a friend before I buy one and so far I'm still trying to find a good reason to get one. I already have a WiiU and a 3DS and this "feels" a lot like those. I am currently playing Breath of the Wild on the WiiU so I wouldn't play that on the Swich. I AM waiting for the sequel, Breath of the Wild 2, and will almost certainly get a Switch just for that, but aside from that particular game I haven't really seen anything else that I don't already have on the WiiU or 3DS or I want. I tried Mario Odyssey and didn't really get into it, I guess I prefer side scrolling Mario Games to this.

Anyways, thanks for any advice!

======== For sidescrolling Mario games...
* means it's also for Wii U, which you already have, so nothing new here, except where noted, and the fact that being on the Switch means it's now portable (although with some games, I prefer to play them in docked mode where you have a ginormous screen. Even despite how Switch games are just 1080p)

Some suggestions will be equivalents at this point...

--New Super Mario Bros. Wii U Deluxe*
--Super Mario Odyssey does have 2D scrolling parts, although I'm sure that being buried in the 3D of it won't work for you
--Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury*
Latter is another 3D flick (takes elements from Super Mario Odyssey, and AFAIK Super Mario Sunshine)
For the former, I found that even though this is technically 3D, many of the levels are more so "2D". Granted the camera angles leave a bit to be desired (admittedly, something you wouldn't have to muck with in a 2D sidescroller)

--Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
DK ofc. isn't Mario, but in my defense, some similarities none of the less.
--Super Mario Maker 2
Posted by someone else, but I'm adding it as well

======== other
Any interest in 3rd party games? Hades, Dead Cells, etc.?
Mario Kart 9 has been in the works for a bit supposedly, but who knows if it'll be released on the Switch or if they're waiting to release it on the next console.

I honestly think it would be a cool idea if they just came out with a new dock that adds more RAM or something, turning the Switch into a Switch Pro. Kind of like the Expansion Pack for the N64. Just a thought.
I just hope Rainbow Road is hardcore again. When I played RR on 8 for the first time, I was like what kind of wimpy garbage is this? I fell off RR on Wii more times in one round than the entire time I played it on 8. I don't know if I ever fell off in 8.
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