So, I'm trying to get a bit more life out of my PowerMac G4 before I splurge on a new computer - one thing that I believe could make a great improvement would be a better graphics/video card. I've maxed out the RAM, installed a brand new LightScribe DVD+R drive, and not spending hundreds on upgrading the hard-drive to GHz. Only other thing besides a graphics card that I'm willing to spend on is more disk space (only have 80gb), so you're welcome to help me out with that too, if you know some good prices on reasonable product. Anyways, back to the graphics card... I've located a RADEON 9200 128MB card on OWC ( but it's retailing at 119.99 USD - that'll end up being nearly 200$ CDN with currency exchange and the price of shipping. Anyone know of other options (preferably under 100$)?
PS. cannot be PCI-E
PS. cannot be PCI-E