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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Apr 14, 2010
Washington State
Ok... I had a 6 that was getting temperamental (after we repaired iti as it outright broke) so I finally decided to bite the bullet and get a new one. But I wanted to wait til September for the new ones to be announced. Well, my 6 just decided to be completely unusable (again). And i'm on vacation (great). So I probably am screwed for having a phone for the rest of my vacation (unless I want to cave and just buy one of the current XS's, the one I decided on). And when I get home my options are try to get my husband to fix the 6 again (which may or may not work, even more iffy this time. This is just hoping that the aftermarket part we used sux and buying a better one from ifixit will fix the problem <- this time the phone isn't acting as black and white as to what the problem is, before it was very obvious what failed), borrow his or my friend's iphone 4 for the meantime, or spending it looks like 200+ if I want a 6 or later.

So... the other option I came up with is if I bought the XS now... and then sold it when the new one came out. But I don't know how much an iphone model devalues after a new one is announced (especially one that will have been used a few months). Or even a new iphone of some model (doesn't have to be the XS... if it was more likely I'd lose less money by getting a 7 that's fine too).

Honestly unless I can get the amount of money I'd pay for having a phone for a few months to 100 or less I'm tempted to just deal with an iphone 4 (Which is free for me!). The only thing I'd be missing is playing Pokemon go (which kinda sucks cause the app started working for me again and I got into it and now it's being pulled away again).
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Plenty of used iPhone SE for sale on Swappa for around $100. I'd rather go this route than be stuck with an iPhone 4 for the next 3+ months. Check out Swappa for cheap Android alternatives as well (you also posted this question in the iOS alternatives thread).
Plenty of used iPhone SE for sale on Swappa for around $100. I'd rather go this route than be stuck with an iPhone 4 for the next 3+ months. Check out Swappa for cheap Android alternatives as well (you also posted this question in the iOS alternatives thread).

Well that one was after I realized I could go android. This one was after I thought maybe I could buy the XS and resell it when the new one came out and not lose so much (but I think I'm kidding myself with that thought. Plus that involves trying to sell a smartphone). I'm not honestly sure how much previous generation iphones sell once hte new ones come out.
You'll lose top dollar if you buy a XS now and sell it later. I myself bought a used 6S for around $100 to last me a few months. You will lose approximately 40% if you buy a XS now. You'll probably lose $20 if you buy a 6S and sell it later.
Well that one was after I realized I could go android. This one was after I thought maybe I could buy the XS and resell it when the new one came out and not lose so much (but I think I'm kidding myself with that thought. Plus that involves trying to sell a smartphone). I'm not honestly sure how much previous generation iphones sell once hte new ones come out.

On Swappa right now 64gb iPhone XS are selling at $700 to $800. I'd plan on that dropping to $600 - $700 by October.
I would explore looking into getting either a used SE or 6s on Swappa. Both models are around $100, so you wouldn't be dropping a lot of coin. Plus, you'll have up to date iOS software so you could play Pokemon (something you may not be able to do if you go with the 4). I would not recommend purchasing a Xs at this stage especially since you'll lose money on it when you turn around to sell it.

Then again, the 4 is free and you can't beat that.
Stinks when you're in a situation when you need something asap. Been there. You'd definitely take a take a hit buying the current model just to sell it in a few months. One other thought would be to pick up something like a 6s or even a 7 (which can he had fairly cheap nowadays). You could later sell it or keep it as a backup in case anything were to happen after you get your new iPhone. They can be purchased from your carrier if you need something quickly and you'd have a warranty as well, if you didn't want to buy used. Or if a used phone wasn't a viable option at this time.
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