The run-down of what I have / will be picking up: I'm pretty set on getting a Retina Macbook Pro 13" as my non-desktop solution. We already have two Apple TV's in the house. I know my next phone will be an iPhone (when my contract is up in a year) -- because my last two phones have been Samsungs and both have been terrible disappointments. I have an iPad 3.
Anyways, long and short of it: What hardware should I consider getting (in addition to what I've mentioned above) in order to get the most out of the Apple ecosystem? So far, the only thing I'm considering other than the Macbook Pro is the Airport Time Capsule (2TB). I assume I can use it to store all of my media content, and play that content from the Time Capsule through my Macbook onto my Apple TV.
Anything else I'm missing? Any software, hardware, or configurations that I should really consider?
Anyways, long and short of it: What hardware should I consider getting (in addition to what I've mentioned above) in order to get the most out of the Apple ecosystem? So far, the only thing I'm considering other than the Macbook Pro is the Airport Time Capsule (2TB). I assume I can use it to store all of my media content, and play that content from the Time Capsule through my Macbook onto my Apple TV.
Anything else I'm missing? Any software, hardware, or configurations that I should really consider?