I was not sure if this was still the best subforum for this question, but here goes.
I have been keeping my personal financial budget on my MacBook Pro with MS Excel. I am looking to shift this work to my iPad Pro. Given that iPads do not universally support mice, I am curious what other folks are using to keep their budget on their iPad or iPad Pro. I do have MS Excel for iPad and, while it works without a mouse, it is not easy to navigate around my sheets.
I have looked at everydollar.com and ynab. Neither seem to work the way I need them to.
I have been keeping my personal financial budget on my MacBook Pro with MS Excel. I am looking to shift this work to my iPad Pro. Given that iPads do not universally support mice, I am curious what other folks are using to keep their budget on their iPad or iPad Pro. I do have MS Excel for iPad and, while it works without a mouse, it is not easy to navigate around my sheets.
I have looked at everydollar.com and ynab. Neither seem to work the way I need them to.