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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 14, 2011
Hi all,

I am trying to figure out the best way to stream video files (xvid, mp4, mov, etc..) from my iMac to my Plasma TV. I have a number of video files (actually not many iTunes movies) on my iMac that I would like to stream from my iMac to TV.

I know there is Apple TV but it seems that it only works in the iTunes universe and it would not be able to stream non-iTunes files from my iMac (e.g., xvid files).

I think there is a Beamer app, but it seems that it has to be controlled from the iMac, I couldn't just browse the videos on my iMac from my TV, at least based on the reviews that I've seen. Looks like you have to launch the files from the iMac every time.

I am using Rivet with my 360 right now, but it's only okay so far.

Any tips would be much appreciated!


macrumors 6502a
Aug 17, 2010
App Q&A testing by request.
Well, it depends if your TV has a native way to receive stuff.

My LG TV has a built in DLNA client, as does my Blu Ray Player, and so with a server running on one of my computers (I use PS3 Media Server I easily stream all sorts of things (you mentioned problem).

DLNA is like Apple's Airplay, but it's an open standard and doesn't tie you into the mac enviroment...though the clients interface won't be as nice as Apple's stuff.

There are plenty of devices that are DLNA complient at all sorts of price ranges if that's the kind of thing you're looking for. (if you watch for sales, anywhere from $20 to $200)


macrumors 68020
Apr 2, 2011
New Jersey
Try Beamer, it's the best app I've ever tried. It's very simple and only does one thing but does it extremely well. I stream avi, mp4, mkv and others and it runs flawlessly. I do however have an Apple TV and it makes it that much more enjoyable. Sorry, when I read your op again I realized you don't have one yet but this app makes it worth having just because of how well it works.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 14, 2011
Try Beamer, it's the best app I've ever tried. It's very simple and only does one thing but does it extremely well. I stream avi, mp4, mkv and others and it runs flawlessly. I do however have an Apple TV and it makes it that much more enjoyable. Sorry, when I read your op again I realized you don't have one yet but this app makes it worth having just because of how well it works.


If I get an Apple TV and use Beamer, can I control Beamer (and the video files on my iMac) from my Plasma TV? Or do I have to launch each file from my iMac? I ask because the reviews I've seen make it look like you open Beamer on your iMac, then drop the file on your iMac hard drive into the Beamer app and then the Beamer app streams the file onto your TV.

Given that my TV and iMac are in two different locations, I would like to have the ability to sit in front of my TV, browse files on my iMac and play them on my TV when needed, without having to get up and mess with the iMac.

Hope that makes sense. Thanks!


macrumors 6502a
Aug 17, 2010
App Q&A testing by request.
I don't know Beamer (which i see uses Apple's Airplay), but the way the DLNA clients I've used work, is on the server (what's running on your mac) you tell it what folders have your media in it. Then from the TV, you can browse thru those folders.

You could set your whole mac hard drive as the media location and browse everything, but I think that would be overkill.

Your first decision is how much you want to spend on the box you'll be streaming to.


macrumors 6502
Jan 18, 2013
Columbia, SC
I am trying to figure out the best way to stream video fiI know there is Apple TV but it seems that it only works in the iTunes universe and it would not be able to stream non-iTunes files from my iMac (e.g., xvid files).

What about AppleTV and XBMC? You have to Jailbreak it first and then install it, but there are plenty of help write-ups and videos.


macrumors 6502
Jan 18, 2013
Columbia, SC
Why would a jail broken apple TV be better than anything else?
No idea if it's better, but it works well for me. It would probably depend on how many other Apple devices you have. I have an Android phone, but my wife has an iPhone and we both have iPads, so ATV also works well for AirPlay from those devices.

XBMC is improving all the time and supports almost every format available. How about XBMC directly on the XBox? Depending on the extent of other Apple hardware in the house, that might be a better solution than XBMC on AppleTV.


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2009
If I weren't so tied to the Apple Ecosystem I'd go with a WD TV just for watching/streaming videos.

I still use two of them when on the road in my RV, 2 WDTV's with an external HDD full of videos.

but at home, I have recently taken on the daunting task of converting every video file I have to mp4/m4v format, actually it isn't taking 'that' long and most videos I get today are already mp4 so it makes it easier from this point on.

Then everything works across AppleTV's, iPads, phones etc with no problems, then I don't have to worry about keeping up with jailbreaks and I can just keep my hardware updated without worry but again like I said if I weren't already in my little world of Apple things I'd choose the WDTV, which is what I recommend to my friends have lots of older videos and don't want to change formats.


macrumors 68020
Apr 2, 2011
New Jersey

If I get an Apple TV and use Beamer, can I control Beamer (and the video files on my iMac) from my Plasma TV? Or do I have to launch each file from my iMac? I ask because the reviews I've seen make it look like you open Beamer on your iMac, then drop the file on your iMac hard drive into the Beamer app and then the Beamer app streams the file onto your TV.

Given that my TV and iMac are in two different locations, I would like to have the ability to sit in front of my TV, browse files on my iMac and play them on my TV when needed, without having to get up and mess with the iMac.

Hope that makes sense. Thanks!

Yes you have to drop the movie into Beamer but you can pause, rewind or fast forward with the Apple TV remote.


macrumors G3
Sep 22, 2012
Andover, UK
I bought a PS3 way back to use purely as a blu-ray player. Nowadays I stream movies to it via PS3 Media Server on my iMac. The transcoding options allow me to play pretty much anything I throw at it.


What about AppleTV and XBMC? You have to Jailbreak it first and then install it, but there are plenty of help write-ups and videos.

The current Apple TV cannot be jailbroken, and jailbreakable versions sell for stupid money.


macrumors regular
Feb 16, 2009
I use iTunes, an Apple TV and HandBrake. It works great, though if you have files that are drmd an can't handbrake them it might not be the best.


macrumors 68000
Jan 12, 2006
Leeds, UK
I use Plex for this. Some TVs have a plex app, while others do DLNA which it also supports. Otherwise most streaming boxes/dongles seem to have Plex app support. Chromecast, Roku etc (the interface is generally nicer than straight DLNA)
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