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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 22, 2009
I recently updated to Sierra and some Mac utility apps (System Preferences) are crashing on me once in a while. Seems I need to do a clean install. I rather not do two clean installs so is it better to do the clean install when I install High Sierra, or do the clean install of Sierra now and do a regular update of High Sierra?

Also, since High Sierra has the new file system, APFS, would you wait until .1 or .2 to install High Sierra. Thanks in advance.


macrumors 601
Feb 17, 2008
Fort Worth, Texas
It probably would be better to wait on High Sierra and then do a clean install. Keep in mind that if you make regular backups using Time Machine you can use the Migration Assistant to migrate everything from your Time Machine backup to High Sierra. However, you need to do that prior to creating an account in the new High Sierra clean install.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 22, 2009
It probably would be better to wait on High Sierra and then do a clean install. Keep in mind that if you make regular backups using Time Machine you can use the Migration Assistant to migrate everything from your Time Machine backup to High Sierra. However, you need to do that prior to creating an account in the new High Sierra clean install.
This great news . . . so just before I do a clean install of High Sierra, I complete a Time Machine backup of Sierra. When the clean install of High Sierra is complete, don't set it up, instead use Migration Assistant. Is that correct? On my Mac Pro I have my data separated from the SSD which contains only the macOS and apps, so on my Mac Pro I can tell Migration Assistant to only migrate over the data that was backup from my SSD containing only apps and the macOS?
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