I plan to buy an Apple Ultra Watch on Facebook Marketplace.
How can I ensure that the seller won't report the watch as stolen and have the network blacklist the watch, or maybe he hasn't paid off the watch yet and sold it to me, and thereby the network blocks me that way.
What do I check to make sure this doesn't happen to me after I buy a used watch?
Is there such a thing where it's not registered with a network and therefore can't be blocked? How do I check that?
Appreciate the help,
How can I ensure that the seller won't report the watch as stolen and have the network blacklist the watch, or maybe he hasn't paid off the watch yet and sold it to me, and thereby the network blocks me that way.
What do I check to make sure this doesn't happen to me after I buy a used watch?
Is there such a thing where it's not registered with a network and therefore can't be blocked? How do I check that?
Appreciate the help,