But there are still notable exceptions - neither Apple nor Amazon's latest set-top boxes offer compatible versions of iPlayer, and Sony's top-end ZD9 and A1 sets are also currently excluded.
Having worked for the BBC, that really does not surprise me! I remember the whole place running on the most disgusting old Dell windows computers. It was like going back in time after being a Mac user. I wasn't impressed and didn't stay for long! I still can't believe that in 2017, people are charged £150 a year for a damn licence to watch their programming without a choice! To me, the BBC is very last century along wit the old and very hateful media moguls.
Thank God Apple and others changed that landscape!
Despite that, they still manage to produce amazing documentaries and what is now the most watched show ever.
Dude, MSP isn't even in the same league as BBC in terms of quality and impressiveness. It's like a white suburban high school basketball team versus the 1996 Chicago Bulls.Maybe they do and so they should with the billions of money they get BUT also look how amazing the young independent film makers are like MSP etc. For me, they better the old BBC.
The BBC also makes billions from selling its series across the world. Sorry, just does not impress or inspire me. And if a show is the most watched, that usually would turn me off
For me, the young, independents truly rule!
Blue planet UHD via Skyq bbciplayer tonight.
Did this arrive via 4k apple t.v.
See for yourself!