I can understand your frustration there. I'm part of the united states. And they still charge me more to get things here (I'm on the other side of Canada).
It would be cheaper to ship from Washington to Florida. Yet I'm closer. Lol.
And many companies won't ship here because according to them, they only ship to the United States. It doesn't do any good to remind them that I am in the United States.
Some companies insist that they can't ship anything to us in the U.S. Mail. Never mind that we have a very major U.S. Mail Hub here. And numerous post offices in most towns. My town has about 6 post offices (that I know of - probably more) within 5 minutes driving distance of each other.
And, of course, they forget that all their merchandise (imported from China) came here first to be sorted and distributed before it got shipped to whatever state they're in. Without us, they wouldn't have the merchandise to begin with.
Fuel is worse. We actually pay more for gasoline. Even though we are where it is being produced. In fact, it actually gets cheaper as you get further away from the gasoline distribution hubs.
One major refiner has their distribution hub in my town. The most expensive place to buy gas is from the gas pumps in their parking lot. It is cheaper to buy their gas if you go to the places they have to deliver the fuel, than it is to buy it right where they store it.
And the further away from the distribution hub you get, the cheaper the gas is. I would think that the further you get, it should cost more, because they had the expense of trucking the fuel to those locations. But they charge us more because we're closer to the source. Lol.
I used to work for a fuel company. And I could get gas in the parking lot and at an employee discount, and charge it to my account.
I'd get 10 cents of gas (cheaper back then) to get me to another gas station further away where it was cheaper. My boss finally questioned me once. And I told him that he didn't pay me enough to be able to afford to buy the gas directly. So I'd go and buy it as far away as I could get on 10 cents of gasoline. Usually saved me about two dollars on a tank of gas to buy it somewhere else.
So I can definitely understand illogical pricing.