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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 29, 2008
I’d like to reclaim my entire 1tb drive to use with Windows 10 Boot Camp on my Mac Pro 5,1. It’s on its own drive with no OSX version installed on that particular HDD; it was simply used as a two partition drive: one NTFS partition for Windows and one Mac OS Extended for data.

Over the years, I’ve extended the Windows partition using Camptune with no issues. Now, I’d like to somply completely delete the Mac partition and reclaim the entire drive for Windows. As it is now, I deleted all the files on the Mac Partition and extended the NTFS with Camptune to where there is only a little over 1gb for the Mac partition (the smallest it would allow me to make it), so it’s not a big deal really, but it would be great to get rid of that little useless Mac partition and just have one partition for Windows.

If I completely erase the Mac partition as free space will I then be able to extend the Windows partition all the way using Camptune? Or will that space still be “off limits” even if it’s just unformattrd free space? Or does that Mac Partition need to exist for some reason so that Windows 10 boots correctly?

Any help or advice is most appreciated. Thanks!

Newtons Apple

Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
I do understand that there are ways to have your MBP be 100% Windows but am not sure erasing the Mac partition will do it. Hope someone here will help. I do nothing but Windows on my 2018 MBP but still keep a small amount for Mac.

I will be watching this thread. Interesting.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 29, 2008
Thanks for replying, though I’m not going 100% Windows. I still have two versions of OSX running on two separate internal drives. I’d just like to reclaim that tiny 1gb of space for the Windows partition, which is on its own separate drive, not shared with an OSX installation at all.
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