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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 7, 2014
Ontario, Canada
Every time I reboot Windows 10, I have to go to Control Panel > Boot Camp > Trackpad to set things up according to my preferences. If I reboot, everything I checked becomes unchecked, and need to do this every single time I boot to Windows 10.

I am using the most recently updated version of Windows 10. Anyone had the same problem, and know how to resolve this issue?
Horrible problem and bug, here's a workaround using AutoHotkey (put this in your AutoHotkey.ahk in the beginning part which is the autoexec part) [this is messy, may not work, but you can use this to figure out the rest]:

OnMessage(0x218, "PowerBroadcast_triggered") ; for detecting the resume event PowerBroadcast_triggered(wparam,lparam,msg) ; see { ; PowerBroadcast_triggered. wparam = %wparam%, lparam = %lparam%, msg = %msg%`n ; apparently going to sleep is always wparam=4, lparam=0, msg=536 ; apparently resuming from sleep is wparam=7, lparam=0, msg=536 ;TrayTip NOTE!,PowerBroadcast_triggered! ; msgbox Testi: msg = %msg% if ( msg == 536 && wparam != 4 ) ; resume from sleep detected! if there was 0x218 + 536, we have received a standby event, but wparam 4 would be GOING to sleep { ;SoundPlay,%SYSTEMROOT%\Media\chord.wav Sleep 1 ; msgbox resumed from sleep IfWinExist Boot Camp Control Panel ahk_exe AppleControlPanel.exe WinActivate Boot Camp Control Panel ahk_exe AppleControlPanel.exe Else Run, C:\Windows\System32\AppleControlPanel.exe WinWait Boot Camp Control Panel ahk_exe AppleControlPanel.exe,, 4 WinActivate Boot Camp Control Panel ahk_exe AppleControlPanel.exe WinWaitActive Boot Camp Control Panel ahk_exe AppleControlPanel.exe,, 4 If ErrorLevel = 1 { TrayTip Boot Camp Control Panel did not appear,! } Else { ; Run, reg import "C:\AutoHotkey\Boot_Camp_Control_Panel_settings.reg",, hide ; THIS PART IS FOR FORCING CERTAIN SETTINGS, HOWEVER THIS DOES NOT WORK FOR TRACKPAD SETTINGS, SO THAT'S WHY WE HAVE TO USE THAT VERY MANUAL METHOD BELOW, the working settings are here: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Apple Inc.\Apple Keyboard Support] Send, +{Tab}{Right 3} Sleep 50 ; doesn't seem to be necessary to add any sleep here, though (to draw the Boot Camp / Trackpad tab) Send, {LAlt down}sc{LAlt up}{Enter} ; Boot Camp CP: Trackpad, tick only as [ ] Secondary click (from Two Fingers), [x] Secondary Click = Bottomo Right Corner TrayTip Fixed Boot Camp Control Panel,(Workaround for the resetting options) } } } } }
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