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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 13, 2014
Sydney Oz
Hey guys,

Had windows 8.1 with bootcamp 5 running. Upgraded to windows 10 via windows update and all was still good. Just updated windows 10 to 1511 and decided to go get the new bootcamp 6. I booted back into OSX and downloaded onto a USB as it was not available via apple update software. Now it started the install, it removed bootcamp 5 and started installing. Got to realtek audio and stalled. I left it for an hour but was still stuck. Rebooted and started the install again and it is stuck on realtek audio. i also booted back into OSX and downloaded bootcamp 6 again via the assistant. I have a 2013 macbook air.

anybody have any ideas as to why i cant complete the install?

thanks Boris
I have experienced the same issue. No other solution other than to End the Realtek driver installation in the Task Manager. After that the installation goes through.
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