Is it even possible? I have an assignment in SAS and Im pretty screwed if I cant get it running lol
unless you have virtualisation that can boot from the EFI level (and you know how to program it) you are stuffed... (is this even possible??)
mkdir /Virtual Machines
cd /Virtual\ Machines
/Library/Application Support/VMware/mware-rawdiskCreator" print /dev/disk0
/Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/vmware-rawdiskCreator" create /dev/disk0 3 Bootcamp ide
#in the above line disk0 is the harddrive 3 is the volume of your fat32 drive from the print command before, Bootcamp is the name of the file to create and ide is the connection
#This creates two files in the current directory
pico /Virtual\ Machines/Windows7.vmwarevm/Windows7.vmx
ide0:3.present = "TRUE"
ide0:3.fileName = "/Virtual Machines/Bootcamp.vmdk"
I had this same problem - superdrives suck. but moving on.
i searched for a solution and found none, i found a number of partial solutions and present it here for your pleasure.
The basic process is this, create partition with boot camp assistant. trick VMware into installing windows on a physical disk. use a free program winclone to clone the disk, delete partition, use boot camp again, restore winclone image. voila. windows 7, no physical media.
detailed steps as follows for macbook pro:
1. create your boot camp partition of desired size. (i had to defrag first, hopefully you don't)
2. create vmware package pointing to the partition you just made. make sure vmware is closed.
my steps in terminal:
Code:mkdir /Virtual Machines cd /Virtual\ Machines /Library/Application Support/VMware/mware-rawdiskCreator" print /dev/disk0 /Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/vmware-rawdiskCreator" create /dev/disk0 3 Bootcamp ide #in the above line disk0 is the harddrive 3 is the volume of your fat32 drive from the print command before, Bootcamp is the name of the file to create and ide is the connection #This creates two files in the current directory
Ok, so far so good. The rest appears more complicated than
it needs to be. I can't understand why you're cloning the drive
and then restoring it.
Why are you doing that?
I know, i messed around with the installed partition for ages at work yesterday, vmware does something that makes the bootloader ignore the partition. i had a look at the partition table, it was still marked as bootable and the rest of the business...
winclone does *something* to make it bootable again... if you figure it out, let me know.
NO didnt work
Thanks anyway!!!
Elaborate. Why wouldn't it work?
I've got this:
Starting legacy loader
Using load option 'USB'
Error: Not Found returned from legacy loader
Error: Not Found returned from LocateDevicePath
Error: Not Found returned from LocateDevicePath
Error: Not Found returned from LocateDevicePath
Error: Not Found returned from LocateDevicePath
Error: Not Found returned from LocateDevicePath
Error: Not Found returned from LocateDevicePath
Error: Not Found returned from LocateDevicePath
Error: Not Found returned from LocateDevicePath
Error: Not Found returned from LocateDevicePath
Error: Not Found returned from LocateDevicePath
Error: Not Found returned from LocateDevicePath
And i did format on the other vista laptop: usb flash to fat32, i don't know what to do else.
What Mac and which version of W7, 32 or 64-bit are you using?
MBP 2.2 intel, 2gb ram, 120gb HD,
w7 32bit
Run CMD.EXE and type the following. Note: This set of commands assumes that the USB flash drive is addressed as "disk 1". you should double check that by doing a list of the disks (type "list disk") before cleaning it. If you have multiple hard drives, like an SDFlash drive or a Multibay drive, you could end up wiping your second drive using this command.
(This was a warning that Josh added to his post along with the following commands that I copied from him, so kudos to Josh)
select disk 1
create partition primary
select partition 1
format fs=fat32
Copy Windows Vista's DVD ROM content to the Flash Drive
Simply issue the following command to start copying all the content from the Windows Vista DVD to your newly formatted high speed flash drive.
xcopy d:\*.* /s/e/f e:\
Hmm, I've seen other people get that error, not sure why. Did you do the following from a Command Prompt in Vista to make the flash drive bootable and copy the ISO using xcopy?
I had this same problem - superdrives suck. but moving on.
i searched for a solution and found none, i found a number of partial solutions and present it here for your pleasure.
The basic process is this, create partition with boot camp assistant. trick VMware into installing windows on a physical disk. use a free program winclone to clone the disk, delete partition, use boot camp again, restore winclone image. voila. windows 7, no physical media.
detailed steps as follows for macbook pro:
1. create your boot camp partition of desired size. (i had to defrag first, hopefully you don't)
2. create vmware package pointing to the partition you just made. make sure vmware is closed.
my steps in terminal:
Code:mkdir /Virtual Machines cd /Virtual\ Machines /Library/Application Support/VMware/mware-rawdiskCreator" print /dev/disk0 /Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/vmware-rawdiskCreator" create /dev/disk0 3 Bootcamp ide #in the above line disk0 is the harddrive 3 is the volume of your fat32 drive from the print command before, Bootcamp is the name of the file to create and ide is the connection #This creates two files in the current directory
Then create your virtual machine, specify your installation media. a mounted toast or dmg or iso disk image of a windows cd from another computer will work fine. save the machine as let's say 'Windows7.vmwarevm' in our /Virtual Machine folder
Close vmware.
Open the file contained inside the windows7 package. you can right click on it and select show contents or use terminal like so.Code:pico /Virtual\ Machines/Windows7.vmwarevm/Windows7.vmx
add two lines:
Code:ide0:3.present = "TRUE" ide0:3.fileName = "/Virtual Machines/Bootcamp.vmdk"
at this point, you can return to boot camp, select your virtual machine, select settings and add the Bootcamp.vmdk - boot the machine and install windows.
then when it's all running... we're going to use winclone very simple and free software. clone your boot camp drive.
then use boot camp to delete the partition and then use it again to make another one of the same size. (possibly unnecessary step> --->)with the windows media mounted through toast I restarted, rebooted into os x and used winclone to restore the image.
after this i could reboot the machine, hold down the option key and boot into windows no worries. then you need the boot camp drivers to fix things up, but there are lots of the threads on that...
hope this helps, there may be possible free substitutes for vmware and toast, but they are what i used...
feel free to ask questions and i will give my best answers.
I had this same problem - superdrives suck. but moving on.
Could You Please tell how you did this: select settings and add the Bootcamp.vmdk
i couldn't add this!
Thank You!!!
cd /Virtual\ Machines
/Library/Application\ Support/VMware\ Fusion/vmware-rawdiskCreator print /dev/disk0
/Library/Application\ Support/VMware\ Fusion/vmware-rawdiskCreator create /dev/disk0 3 windows7 ide