bought it from cex in Ireland. Only €170. Lightly used. 
I think the packaging it came in cost more than this POS
I think the packaging it came in cost more than this POS
bought it from cex in Ireland. Only €170. Lightly used.
I think the packaging it came in cost more than this POS
View attachment 828527
That doesn’t resemble anything of Apples OEM Link bracelet. (At least based off what your thread title states).
For sure not an Apple band.
I bought one from Apple and still did not like it.
How did the seller think you were going to attach that to your watch?
The staff at the cex shops are mike brain dead monkeys. They have zero clue.
I guess not! Glad you are able to get your money back!
I even filmed myself opening the package. Just in case.
If it was in Apple packaging, it is possible that it was returned and the original buyer replaced the real band with the one you got.
I wonder if the guy selling this to them got the exchange price for the actual Apple link bracelet?