I recently purchased a new Mac mini and also purchased a dock that sits just below the Mac mini that has a SATA drive inside. I've got all of my music stored on that drive.
It's a lot of Lossless music files for my listening room. When I started loading the music into the software apparently there are an enough files the mini decided to fall asleep and possibly put my computer asleep or something, but not sure. The reason I'm suspecting this is the cause is because when I moved the mouse/keyboard the Mac mini woke up but the hard drive icon was not on the desktop but right very soon it popped up on the desktop.
How should I set the Mac mini up to keep it from doing this again? I don't mind the display dimming down or going to sleep but I don't want the mini going to sleep.
It's a lot of Lossless music files for my listening room. When I started loading the music into the software apparently there are an enough files the mini decided to fall asleep and possibly put my computer asleep or something, but not sure. The reason I'm suspecting this is the cause is because when I moved the mouse/keyboard the Mac mini woke up but the hard drive icon was not on the desktop but right very soon it popped up on the desktop.
How should I set the Mac mini up to keep it from doing this again? I don't mind the display dimming down or going to sleep but I don't want the mini going to sleep.