Hey all,
I need a method of breaking a Mac Mini I own out of Apple's DEP (device enrollment program) controlled by another party. I don't care about the method or how it needs to be done, but I need a way to break this out of the MDM control or get around it.
I've searched the web for how to do this and I realize that this topic is controversial and can provoke some very heated debates but please allow me to explain. This my first post here and the last thing I want to do is cause trouble. And please please please do not respond by berating me or lecturing me about the ethics of this. There's a very long story involving office politics behind it. Here's the whole sordid tale for those of you wondering why I'm asking.
I left my IT position at a large ad/marketing company about 14 months ago. At the time, the company was working through the process of phasing out the Macs and replacing them with PCs. We had a lot of perfectly good Macs sitting on the shelves heading eventually for recycling. I asked my boss during my last two weeks if I might be allowed to take one of the 2014 Mac Minis given the circumstances. She said it would be okay with her. Another IT manager in the company (let's call him Jeff) disagreed with her and felt this was inappropriate.
Given the disagreement, my boss went to the IT director (i.e., everyone's boss) and asked. The IT director approved the idea because the machine had no company info on it and because it would just end up being thrown out anyway. No big deal, although Jeff seemed a tad annoyed by this decision and told me that he felt it was "wrong."
So, the Mini sits on my desk at home for a year until I decide it's time to fire it up, thinking I might use it as a media machine or jukebox for my music. I start by doing a wipe and reinstall of the OS at which time I discovered that the machine has been enrolled in DEP and locked down by a mobile device management system. A notice comes up while I'm setting the machine up that it will be configured remotely by my former employer and shows Jeff's email address as the admin.
So, the machine is effectively bricked for no good reason other than someone at the company disagreed with his superior about me taking it.
It turns out in the 14 months since I quit, my former boss has moved on to another company and the IT director who approved this took an early retirement. I tried emailing them both to ask them to rectify this but no luck. I also sent Jeff a polite email asking if he would remove the Mini from DEP so I could use it and he declined saying it wasn't something he had the authority to approve—even though he knows darn well this was approved (via company email which I no longer have access to, of course.)
So, you might understand my frustration. I got this approved by the IT director and now it's being held hostage by a manager who is playing petty games with me. Office politics at its worst. So, I'm hoping for a way to circumvent this and break the Mini out of the DEP he's using to keep it locked down.
Thanks for any help any of you can offer.
I need a method of breaking a Mac Mini I own out of Apple's DEP (device enrollment program) controlled by another party. I don't care about the method or how it needs to be done, but I need a way to break this out of the MDM control or get around it.
I've searched the web for how to do this and I realize that this topic is controversial and can provoke some very heated debates but please allow me to explain. This my first post here and the last thing I want to do is cause trouble. And please please please do not respond by berating me or lecturing me about the ethics of this. There's a very long story involving office politics behind it. Here's the whole sordid tale for those of you wondering why I'm asking.
I left my IT position at a large ad/marketing company about 14 months ago. At the time, the company was working through the process of phasing out the Macs and replacing them with PCs. We had a lot of perfectly good Macs sitting on the shelves heading eventually for recycling. I asked my boss during my last two weeks if I might be allowed to take one of the 2014 Mac Minis given the circumstances. She said it would be okay with her. Another IT manager in the company (let's call him Jeff) disagreed with her and felt this was inappropriate.
Given the disagreement, my boss went to the IT director (i.e., everyone's boss) and asked. The IT director approved the idea because the machine had no company info on it and because it would just end up being thrown out anyway. No big deal, although Jeff seemed a tad annoyed by this decision and told me that he felt it was "wrong."
So, the Mini sits on my desk at home for a year until I decide it's time to fire it up, thinking I might use it as a media machine or jukebox for my music. I start by doing a wipe and reinstall of the OS at which time I discovered that the machine has been enrolled in DEP and locked down by a mobile device management system. A notice comes up while I'm setting the machine up that it will be configured remotely by my former employer and shows Jeff's email address as the admin.
So, the machine is effectively bricked for no good reason other than someone at the company disagreed with his superior about me taking it.
It turns out in the 14 months since I quit, my former boss has moved on to another company and the IT director who approved this took an early retirement. I tried emailing them both to ask them to rectify this but no luck. I also sent Jeff a polite email asking if he would remove the Mini from DEP so I could use it and he declined saying it wasn't something he had the authority to approve—even though he knows darn well this was approved (via company email which I no longer have access to, of course.)
So, you might understand my frustration. I got this approved by the IT director and now it's being held hostage by a manager who is playing petty games with me. Office politics at its worst. So, I'm hoping for a way to circumvent this and break the Mini out of the DEP he's using to keep it locked down.
Thanks for any help any of you can offer.