Switching over to an Android phone has caused minimal issues for me, if any. When I had an iPhone, most of the services that I utilized (Spotify, Dropbox, Instagram, Snapchat, Amazon Video, my email addresses) were all platform agnostic anyway. I strongly advise using platform agnostic services whether you use iOS or Android -- it's just good practice.
The only thing service that I lost during the switch was iMessage, which honestly is mostly a bunch of hoopla if you want my personal opinion. SMS on Android, though a more primitive technology, does the exact same thing as iMessage -- it sends text messages. I just can't send texts from my Macbook anymore (which didn't take long to adjust to).
Note: There is a way to send SMS messages from your computer if you use Google Hangouts as your messaging app. I personally do not.
Unless you exclusively are tied into iCloud storage, iCloud email, and Apple Music (which is available on Android), then the "Apple Ecosystem" isn't as real as it seems. I think it's more of a mind game than reality for most people, though they aren't aware of it.
If you do end up trying Android, I hope you enjoy it! But give it a solid month. Don't go into it expecting it to be iOS. And when things are confusing or frustrating -- learn them. Trust me, I tell you this from experience. Don't just throw the phone against a wall and post on here, "That's it. After two days, I can't take this Android garbage. I'm going back to my iPhone!" There's plenty of other posts like that already.
You might just realize Android is the OS you were waiting for all along.

I'm just waiting for my Essential phone or the next Pixel devices to get away from my iPhone.
Did you preorder the Essential Phone?!