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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 11, 2012
I'll start by saying I'm LOVING the new photo syncing - easy to use, clear, and it seems to "just work"

There are a few downsides though..

First off, the order is all over the place! Photos taken on the iPhone do not always appear in the same order on the iPad.. Photos seem to be in the order they were synced (?)
e.g. bunch of photos in the morning, second bunch in the afternoon, got internet access in the evening. The evening photos often got uploaded first, and therefore appeared first on the iPad... I couldn't see anywhere a method of sorting the photos by date taken (in metadata)?

*EDIT* Figured out how to re-order photos in an album, just have to be in Select mode :)


macrumors 65816
Jun 13, 2013
I'll start by saying I'm LOVING the new photo syncing - easy to use, clear, and it seems to "just work"

There are a few downsides though..

First off, the order is all over the place! Photos taken on the iPhone do not always appear in the same order on the iPad.. Photos seem to be in the order they were synced (?)
e.g. bunch of photos in the morning, second bunch in the afternoon, got internet access in the evening. The evening photos often got uploaded first, and therefore appeared first on the iPad... I couldn't see anywhere a method of sorting the photos by date taken (in metadata)?

*EDIT* Figured out how to re-order photos in an album, just have to be in Select mode :)

the title of your thread is "bringing order to photos" and then you start off "the order is all over the place" :confused:

i actually think the new photo layout is terrible, maybe it just because its in beta but i def lost a lot of photos. good thing i import them to iPhoto once a week.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 11, 2012
I was hoping someone would help with advice on bringing order to the chaos ;-)
(Or at least a theory on why it would sync in a weird order, and there's no sort order..)

The Doctor11

macrumors 603
Dec 15, 2013
New York
I have heard people say the camera roll died or something like that... I don't give a crap what they do to photos as long as I get to my camera roll by public launch. Honestly I don't really use photos much. I just want to find my pictures and I know where they all are in camera roll. Apple don't you fu** this up.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 11, 2012
I actually much prefer the new Photos, so much easier to understand

Your Camera Roll is still there, it's just been renamed to "Recently Added"

The bonuses are now:
- it can auto-sync Recently Added to all other devices
- you can add photos from there to albums, which then sync to all other devices
- deleting it from Recently Added will delete from all (goes to Recently Deleted album)
- editing it on one edits on all
- you can favourite photos to bring out the highlights
- loads of improved editing options

It's only beta 1 but I can't wait for them to roll this out, plus the Mac app and web access

Wish list:
- auto sort by date taken on all devices
- when adding photos to an album, ability to search for the album (just a scrolling list now in "add to album" mode)
- Face tagging(?)
- show favourites only within a given album (e.g. Open Trip to The Park, and filter to only show favourites)
- ability to magic wand photos in batch


macrumors 65816
Jun 26, 2011
I actually much prefer the new Photos, so much easier to understand

Your Camera Roll is still there, it's just been renamed to "Recently Added"

The bonuses are now:
- it can auto-sync Recently Added to all other devices
- you can add photos from there to albums, which then sync to all other devices
- deleting it from Recently Added will delete from all (goes to Recently Deleted album)
- editing it on one edits on all
- you can favourite photos to bring out the highlights
- loads of improved editing options

It's only beta 1 but I can't wait for them to roll this out, plus the Mac app and web access

Wish list:
- auto sort by date taken on all devices
- when adding photos to an album, ability to search for the album (just a scrolling list now in "add to album" mode)
- Face tagging(?)
- show favourites only within a given album (e.g. Open Trip to The Park, and filter to only show favourites)
- ability to magic wand photos in batch

Is there a way to see all of my photos in one spot like in iOS7? I like the moments and collections view but it's not number one preference. What am I missing? I'm on B2.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 11, 2012
Is there a way to see all of my photos in one spot like in iOS7? I like the moments and collections view but it's not number one preference. What am I missing? I'm on B2.

If you mean camera roll, it's still there, just been renamed to "Recently Added"


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 11, 2012
It's still not there complete as in iOS 7 and earlier, because recently added doesn't show all pictures from the camera roll, only few of the latest once.

Oh! I must not have enough photos yet in there ;-)
Wonder how far back Recently Added goes.. The last month?

All your photos then are in the Photos tab, but you just prefer them not grouped by date/location?


Side note, I'm hoping there'll be a way to "turn off" or hide unwanted albums. For example in addition to Recently Added and my own custom albums, there's a bunch of new ones: panorama, videos, slo-mo, Tadaa (or other custom apps).

I setup my own personal albums, but need to scroll past these new ones to get to them! The videos, and panoramas are lovely to see in context of an album, but don't see the advantage in a dedicated album for them automatically.


I just had to fully delete my iPad for the b2, setup from scratch because iCloud restore failed, and iCloud Photos 'almost' worked perfectly... All albums still there, but every once in a while I get a blank white box where the photo is supposed to be with an exclamation mark... (Yes yes yes, BETA I hear you scream, but I'm just pointing out personal experience).

Once they iron out the bugs, iCloud Photos is going to be fantastic for no fuss photo management across multiple devices!


As the originals are / will no longer be stored locally on the device (auto synced to server and lower version locally to conserve space), I wonder how we can do a secondary backup? As nice as this solution is, I wouldn't trust my photos to any one source, no matter how easy it is or established they are :)


macrumors newbie
Sep 24, 2005
Anyone syncing photos from Aperture? All my photos show up (Under Recently Added) but they are all in one big group. I have about 30 different "Projects" in Aperture that used to sync as "Albums" in the Photos app.

I can see all the Albums from the Photo picker in another app, like Messages, for example, but not in the Photos app itself.


macrumors 65816
Jun 26, 2011
Anyone know if it's possible to have the camera roll view showing ALL pictures under one section?


macrumors 65816
Jan 7, 2014
Anyone know if it's possible to have the camera roll view showing ALL pictures under one section?

Photos tab (moments) should contain ALL your photos however, it seems that some people lost photos during the beta upgrade.


macrumors 65816
Jun 26, 2011
Photos tab (moments) should contain ALL your photos however, it seems that some people lost photos during the beta upgrade.

I have every single photo in Moments but they are all sorted by date...I just want it like it was.


macrumors 65816
Jun 26, 2011
It was sorted by date before too. Now they separate it by location as well.

Maybe I am not being clear....If you clicked on photos in iOS7 you can the option to see every single photo together under Camera Roll. Is that feature gone in iOS8?


macrumors 65816
Jan 7, 2014
Maybe I am not being clear....If you clicked on photos in iOS7 you can the option to see every single photo together under Camera Roll. Is that feature gone in iOS8?

Yes. It is right now. But things can change throughout the beta process.


macrumors newbie
Aug 11, 2010
If you mean camera roll, it's still there, just been renamed to "Recently Added"

"Recently Added" != all photos unfortunately. I only take photos occasionally, so I'd like just 1 "album" like iOS7 to see ALL of my photos in one go, without all the Moments stuffs
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