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Doctor Q

Original poster
Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
I wanted to switch the look of a website by changing fonts, but I wanted to stick to fonts that are likely to be on most visitors computers.

I looked around at websites for a good list of the candidate fonts. The best one I found is at ampsoft. It covers both Windows and Mac OS, shows regular and bold styles as well as screenshots with the top three web browsers, and seems fairly up to date. (If anybody knows anything to be wrong there, please post.)

It solved my problem and some of you might find it useful too.

Doctor Q

Original poster
Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
I do, but this way I can choose short sequences of fonts that are likely to give my pages a consistent look from one computer/OS to another, rather than long sequences of "guesses".

And sometimes text is rendered into graphics (button labels, for example), so being confident about the fonts available makes it easier to match them.
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