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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 23, 2007
Columbus, OH
So, with Mass Effect Andromeda getting a release date (3/21), I'm starting to notice that I'm going to have a busy early 2017.

I'm really excited for;
Horizon Zero Dawn
Nier: Automata
Mass Effect Andromeda
Gravity Rush 2
Persona 5

Is anyone else feeling excited for anything coming out in early 2017?
So, with Mass Effect Andromeda getting a release date (3/21), I'm starting to notice that I'm going to have a busy early 2017.

I'm really excited for;
Horizon Zero Dawn
Nier: Automata
Mass Effect Andromeda
Gravity Rush 2
Persona 5

Is anyone else feeling excited for anything coming out in early 2017?

I would agree. Horizon Zero Dawn, Mass Effect Andromeda and Resident Evi Biohazard are all on my list. Specifically waiting for Red Dead Redemption 2. That will be the biggest release the 2017 in my opinion.

Days Gone and Spider-Man will be amazing games on the PS4 Pro as well.
Mass Effect is a no-brainer, and Resident Evil sure looks interesting.

Though with Mass Effect, if the past is any indication, it may be worth waiting for all the extra DLC characters and missions to be released.
Interested in Resident Evil Biohazard...But to be honest, I have a backlog of games that I still need to start/complete lol.
I feel like Horizon Zero Dawn is going to be a massive letdown. I really hope it isn't but it has that feel to it if you will.
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Persona 5 is about the only thing I'm remotely excited for, and I don't have a PlayStation 4 - I'll rent one from my school to play it likely. Which is kind of ironic because once school is back in session in a few weeks I doubt I'll have time to play anything until Summer. But I'm going to try - Persona 3 Portable and Persona 4 are favorites of mine. So much style.

I dislike open world games so I was never really interested in Horizon in the first place but it at the very least seems absolutely gorgeous.

And though I'm quite late, I just picked up the Mass Effect Trilogy for 360 so maybe in a few years I'll be ready for Andromeda.
Only thing I'm really looking forward to is the PS4 Pro update for Fallout 4. I love the game and I have the Nuka Cola DLC left to play but I'm patiently waiting.

Horizon Zero Dawn has peaked my interest however I'm going to wait for reviews on that one. Like @Cnasty I'm also feeling its going to be a let down, not sure why but thats what tends to happen with the hype.
Only thing I'm really looking forward to is the PS4 Pro update for Fallout 4. I love the game and I have the Nuka Cola DLC left to play but I'm patiently waiting.

Horizon Zero Dawn has peaked my interest however I'm going to wait for reviews on that one. Like @Cnasty I'm also feeling its going to be a let down, not sure why but thats what tends to happen with the hype.

I saw some footage where Zero Dawn was displayed on a beta on a high-end 4K TV. Probably the most graphically intensive game thus far on a 4K/HDR TV. I can't speak for the hype on this game, but it's on my radar for watching it.
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Interested in Resident Evil Biohazard...But to be honest, I have a backlog of games that I still need to start/complete lol.

Same exact position you are in. List of games to play and Biohazard is out this month. One more to add to the list.
Dunno if it's a sign of getting older or what but none of those games really appeal to me. They're all big, loud, story-driven things I don't really have time for now. (Haha god it is getting old isn't it)

I'm looking forward to the Switch but I can't imagine that coming out in March. It seems way too soon and we still don't know all the details about it or even the launch line-up. The only story-driven game I've got time for now is Pokemon and that's only about 1/4 of the whole game now!
Just bought a PS4 slim, but I'm excited for the Nintendo Switch. I miss playing Nintendo games, and it would be awesome to be able to take the console with me everywhere.
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