So I am having slight buyers regret having recently bought a 13” 2019 MBP in July. I travel a fair bit so convinced myself I should get a 13” model. As I was impatient I got a top spec 2.7/16GB/1TB from the local Apple store with AppleCare.
The machine has been great so far, but for not much more money I could have go the 16” model which is far more capable. It is obviously bigger but then I carried about a 15” 2013 model for years with no issue.
I do find the 13” screen a little cramped at times and also get a bit of RSI when using the keyboard travelling as the smaller deck provides less support to my wrists. My usage these days is a mixture of browsing, documents, bit of VM work, some coding. Although I will be playing Warcraft 3 reforged when it arrives
. Equally I could see some major VM work on the horizon, cloud migration testing that sort of thing.
I have a 10% discount available to me for one week. So that is a time factor in deciding whether to sell my current one and take a hit on resale value. The other option is to keep the one I have as I don’t have any pressing problems that need solving. Just I would prefer if keeping a machine for some time to have a non-butterfly keyboard (although as I understand it, there are no widespread reports of the 2019 butterfly having issues right?)
I’m not keen on fan noise myself and get annoyed by the 13” when the fans start up because of rogue javascript etc. I tend to use Turbo boost disabler to combat this. One thing I found with a 2018 15” I tried was it got really hot when connected to an external monitor which I found quite annoying. Not sure how widespread that issue is though, I know it uses the discrete GPU in that case
The machine has been great so far, but for not much more money I could have go the 16” model which is far more capable. It is obviously bigger but then I carried about a 15” 2013 model for years with no issue.
I do find the 13” screen a little cramped at times and also get a bit of RSI when using the keyboard travelling as the smaller deck provides less support to my wrists. My usage these days is a mixture of browsing, documents, bit of VM work, some coding. Although I will be playing Warcraft 3 reforged when it arrives
I have a 10% discount available to me for one week. So that is a time factor in deciding whether to sell my current one and take a hit on resale value. The other option is to keep the one I have as I don’t have any pressing problems that need solving. Just I would prefer if keeping a machine for some time to have a non-butterfly keyboard (although as I understand it, there are no widespread reports of the 2019 butterfly having issues right?)
I’m not keen on fan noise myself and get annoyed by the 13” when the fans start up because of rogue javascript etc. I tend to use Turbo boost disabler to combat this. One thing I found with a 2018 15” I tried was it got really hot when connected to an external monitor which I found quite annoying. Not sure how widespread that issue is though, I know it uses the discrete GPU in that case