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Tig Bitties

macrumors 603
Original poster
Sep 6, 2012
Sort of a different thread from me, so here it goes :)

I currently have a T-Mobile Note 5, which I am fairly satisfied with, but I have owned every Nexus phone except the 2013 Nexus 5, and I have been eyeing the Nexus 6P for a while now, really missing stock Android, and the fast updates, as my Note 5 is still stuck on Lollipop, no MM ROM's even out for the T-Mo version yet.

I also like high res big displays for gaming and web work. I mainly play older less demanding games like Diablo ]l[, a little bit of WoW still, Team Fortress 2, and BattleField 3, not 4.

I am not mr. money bags, so I just sold my five year old Dell 30" U3011 yesterday on CL for $550, I'm back on my older backup 27" Dell 1080p display for now, so I have the cash to spare to buy the 6P or I found a local [H] member selling his Seiki Pro SM40UNP4k display. But I do get worried buying used tech, and the word on this monitor seems hit or miss, either you got a good one, or a flaky one with potential issues.

Buy the new Nexus 6P, or take the chance on the slightly used 4k monitor ?


macrumors 68030
Nov 6, 2012
Well you dont need either, you have phones and a monitor. I would get the monitor, you will probably stick with that much longer than a phone

Surf Donkey

May 12, 2015
Given that the 6P is already half way into its life cycle and still hasn't had a major price break (a few sales here and there) I would totally hold off at this point. When I pay full price for a phone, I prefer to do it around release time.

Wait for the Note 6, see what it has to offer, then wait for the next Nexus and buy from there. Heck, maybe even you'll decide to stick with buying the 6P as it be half as much by then.

So go for a nice monitor now is my opinion. More lasting usage for the money.

Tig Bitties

macrumors 603
Original poster
Sep 6, 2012
Interesting responses so far, seems split used monitor or new phone.

I really liked the Phillips 40" 4k monitor, that seems to have pretty solid reviews, and latest price was $699 on Amazon, I could save up for that and buy later on. The Nexus 6P I really eyed for awhile, and love the development for custom ROM's and cool themes, and I would love it, Note 5 is running a custom TW ROM, and I have Nova installed, with a Material theme, and running a lot of Google apps like Google keyboard, Google Messenger, Chrome Dev, etc... So my Note 5 is pretty tweaked and cool. But I hate Samsung lately, and them locking down their bootloaders, and the Samsung logo on the front of the phone bugs the **** out of me. The Note 6 looks to be lock down just like the S7 Edge, which means no buy for me, I may be done with Samsung for good then. Just on principle I'm getting frustrated out on Samsung

The monitor would be an instant wow factor, like holy **** this is awesome to play Diablo 3 on, and the desktop space would be great. But I am worried about the quality of this monitor, plus being used.


macrumors member
May 30, 2014
The Last Shangri-La
I'd say get a monitor but not the Seiki but the Dell 27 (p2715q I think). I've had both and I think the dell is miles better. You could prob get a new one for about 550 (or used for cheaper) than the Seiki.

Granted it's smaller, but the IPS panel really makes a huge difference esp if you do any design work.

Tig Bitties

macrumors 603
Original poster
Sep 6, 2012
I see that MicoCenter carries the Phillips 40" 4k monitor I prefer, and is instock near me, but is $799. Do they price match Amazon's $699 for the exact same monitor ?

Tig Bitties

macrumors 603
Original poster
Sep 6, 2012
My big hesitation on the phone is, yeah I'd like the Nexus 6P over my Note 5, but will I LOVE the 6P much more than my current N5 ? I'm afraid I'll think, yeah the 6P is cool, but not a massive night and day upgrade, but a side grade over my Note. The display and camera are said to be slightly better on the Note 5, the battery life is supposed to be pretty equal between both phones. I guess the major difference being stock Android vs Touchwiz, which I much prefer vanilla or TW, but is that worthy of a $500 change ? While I have my Note 5 with Nova and a Material theme, and vanilla icon pack, and using a lot of Google apps in place of Samsung apps, and debloated the Note 5 to get rid of all the useless TW crap I don't like. This Note 5 feels like a stock Google phone almost the way I have it setup.

And today the Wife gave me the green light, to just go ahead and get a brand new 4k Monitor if that's what I really want, the Philips model I've been eyeing I can get now, if I choose to do so.

Tig Bitties

macrumors 603
Original poster
Sep 6, 2012
I picked up the brand new Philips 40" 4k monitor for $699. Just set it up, and HOLY **** jaw dropping for gaming. And for the web, geeze i can have three full pages open and see everything.

It feels like my classic 30" Apple Cinema Display but obviously much larger with just even more to view. Really like it a lot, but hard to take it all in, it's a MASSIVE upgrade LOL :)


macrumors 68000
Jun 23, 2010
Miami, FL
I picked up the brand new Philips 40" 4k monitor for $699. Just set it up, and HOLY **** jaw dropping for gaming. And for the web, geeze i can have three full pages open and see everything.

It feels like my classic 30" Apple Cinema Display but obviously much larger with just even more to view. Really like it a lot, but hard to take it all in, it's a MASSIVE upgrade LOL :)
You mind sharing a pic or link, I'd like to take a look at it.

I myself have been in the market for a good monitor.
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