Been lurking awhile and this is my first post and I have a few questions:
I currently have a Mac Mini (Late 2009) running El Capitan. Specs are:
2.26GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
2GB Ram
160GB HDD (26GB free space)
Superdrive (died a few years ago)
Main use has been as a home/work computer - iTunes, video watching, web browsing/research, writing applications. This computer has served well for 9 years but started slowing down a year ago - will freeze up while web browsing and just give the never ending spinning beach ball (would have to restart to get things going again) or will just drop safari (safari webkit quit unexpectedly) and iTunes.
I wrote these problems off to the mini's age and thought it would be good to get a new one and wait for the current 2018 release. Now that the new mini is out and I've looked at the offerings what seems to be a good option is either the i3 or i5 with 16GB Ram and 512GB SSD. This was based off of current usage and some things I would like to get into like Lightroom/Photoshop and maybe some video editing (albeit due to current commitments if I'm being completely honest it could be 1-2yrs before I could really get into these activities)
After seeing that other users here have kept their older machines running longer I was wondering if I should:
1. Get a new mini?
2. Put some work into my old one and hope to get a couple more years out of it? Upping the Ram to 8GB and adding a 500GB SSD (Crucial and OWC seem to be the favored brands here)
I appreciate any and all opinions and recommendations (pros/cons) and would like to know what I could reasonably expect out of the above scenarios?
Thanks in advance.
I currently have a Mac Mini (Late 2009) running El Capitan. Specs are:
2.26GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
2GB Ram
160GB HDD (26GB free space)
Superdrive (died a few years ago)
Main use has been as a home/work computer - iTunes, video watching, web browsing/research, writing applications. This computer has served well for 9 years but started slowing down a year ago - will freeze up while web browsing and just give the never ending spinning beach ball (would have to restart to get things going again) or will just drop safari (safari webkit quit unexpectedly) and iTunes.
I wrote these problems off to the mini's age and thought it would be good to get a new one and wait for the current 2018 release. Now that the new mini is out and I've looked at the offerings what seems to be a good option is either the i3 or i5 with 16GB Ram and 512GB SSD. This was based off of current usage and some things I would like to get into like Lightroom/Photoshop and maybe some video editing (albeit due to current commitments if I'm being completely honest it could be 1-2yrs before I could really get into these activities)
After seeing that other users here have kept their older machines running longer I was wondering if I should:
1. Get a new mini?
2. Put some work into my old one and hope to get a couple more years out of it? Upping the Ram to 8GB and adding a 500GB SSD (Crucial and OWC seem to be the favored brands here)
I appreciate any and all opinions and recommendations (pros/cons) and would like to know what I could reasonably expect out of the above scenarios?
Thanks in advance.