I'm buying either the 13" or 15" (with dedicated GPU) rMBP and I can't decide on which to get. The size of the 13" is perfect but I notice that something like having a lot of chrome tabs open slows things down a bit so if I connect a 4k Monitor to it I feel like even the new 2015 version will perform the same. I also love to take photographs, and my 24 Megapixels raw files are hard to work with in lightroom so when I upgrade my camera to 42MegaPixels I will have more issues I would think so I'm leaning towards the 15".. I just dont like the size of it so my questions are:
- Is a maxed out 15" with dedicated GPU that much more powerful than the maxed out 13"?
- In what way will the deidcated GPU help? Can this help free up RAM being used?
- How is traveling with a 15"? how is the fit on airplane trays?
- Any thoughtsfrom anyone that upgraded from a 13" MBP to a 15" MBP?