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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 24, 2014
Hello everyone,

I recently bought my first Apple product (a late 2013 rMBP 13") and I love it. Now I'm looking to get myself an iPhone 5s but I'm on a budget.

I live in the UK but I'll travel to the states at the end of this month and I wonder if it will be a good time to buy one or if the price will drop if I wait longer (this is, second hand iPhones). I also go to Spain often so it is something to consider too.

I'm looking for a 16GB model (if 32GB even better!) for about $400/£300/350€
Any advice, tips, recommendation on places/websites I could buy it are highly appreciated.



macrumors 6502a
Nov 11, 2008
Hello everyone,

I recently bought my first Apple product (a late 2013 rMBP 13") and I love it. Now I'm looking to get myself an iPhone 5s but I'm on a budget.

I live in the UK but I'll travel to the states at the end of this month and I wonder if it will be a good time to buy one or if the price will drop if I wait longer (this is, second hand iPhones). I also go to Spain often so it is something to consider too.

I'm looking for a 16GB model (if 32GB even better!) for about $400/£300/350€
Any advice, tips, recommendation on places/websites I could buy it are highly appreciated.


Amazon marketplace or eBay


macrumors newbie
Oct 9, 2014
eBay would be my advice. You can probably get a 32gb for around 400-415 in great condition. I've sold three iphone models you are seeking for around that mark. Try to get the transferable applecare+ as well if you can
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