Or shall I just be patient and wait until my July delivery?
I just want the sexiness on my wrist asap.
You mention wanting it a lot, but you also say the words "saved up." Your money is yours, so at the end of the day it's your choice and you shouldn't feel ashamed if it isn't the popular choice, but I'll share with you a detailed two cents since you asked for it.
Thought 1) If you "saved up" enough money, my guess is $500 doesn't come by super quickly. That's a lot of money that can go towards accessories, additional bands, or generally something else.
Thought 2) That's an absurd amount of money to spend instead of waiting the time. (A lot of us have.)
Thought 3) Most people generally agree money=time. So how much is your time worth to you?
-For me, I teach dance lessons professionally and they are billed for 45 minutes. Therefore it's very easy for me to figure out exactly how much my time is worth, and it comes down to even less than per hour as my income is made through work that takes less than an hour.
-For you, figure out how much you make in an hour and divide $500 by that amount. That tells you how much time you're going to have to spend making up that deficit.
$500 is an easy expense when you're anxious to get something, plus when you're looking at it feeling like you have more money than you do. But when you look at having to spend time you've yet to endure, that will seem like more of a sacrifice in comparison.
Finally, how much time did it take you to save up that $500? If it's long enough to compare to the wait for the watch, then it's definitely not worth it. If you can build up that savings in a week while still living comfortably, then maybe it's not such a bad expense.
(FTR, depending on how successful a particular week is, I may have to sacrifice a little over 15 hours to make up that deficit.)
p.s. This all comes from someone who ordered a 42 SS ML on 4/11 and is still waiting.