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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Forbes summarizes a recent patent application that has been published which reveals that Apple has been researching integrating future devices with the ability to place on-the-go orders at local stores.
In an application with the U.S. Patent Office filed on Dec. 20, the Cupertino, Calif.-based computer and gadget company described a wireless system that would allow customers to place an order at a store using a wireless device such as a media player, a wireless personal digital assistant or a cellphone.
The system would, for example, allow customers to order a drink with the press of a button on their iPhone which would then notify them when their order was ready. The Forbes article suggests that this may put Apple's partnership with Starbucks in a new light.

Apple has already integrated iTunes song purchasing closely with Starbucks. iTunes and iPhone users can already purchase playing music at Starbucks with the tap of a button:
Say you’re in line at Starbucks. You hear this amazing song wafting from the speakers. You gotta have it. Now. Tap the iTunes button on your iPhone or iPod touch, tap the Starbucks button, and voilà: You see the current song, the last 10 songs played, and featured Starbucks Collections. Preview, buy, and download whatever you like, right then and there. Or, if you’re sipping away with your laptop, buy what’s playing -- exclusively on iTunes.

Article Link


macrumors 65816
May 20, 2004
Neat-o. This opens up an entire method of instant gratification purchasing. How secure would it be? Could it be easily spoofed by someone nearby, I wonder.


macrumors 68000
Jun 20, 2007
Well the iphone web interface WOULD be useful for ordering a half - caf full vente mocha with cinnamon whip cream and chocolate dusting.



macrumors G3
Apr 21, 2003
Parts of Asia have had this ability - buying for items via cell phone - for quite a while.

Hopefully this sort of thing will appear more throughout north America soon.


macrumors regular
Aug 12, 2007
Interesting example w/ using Starbucks to order drinks. Unless they have a dedicated barista for iPhone orders, you're really not getting anything faster as it still has to be queued with the other orders.

At least when you order in person, you have an idea of where you are at. An iPhone order and you really have no clue.

Now I have heard some crazy orders at Starbucks, so this might be aimed at those type.


macrumors 65816
Mar 16, 2006
Sarasota, Florida
Neat-o. This opens up an entire method of instant gratification purchasing. How secure would it be? Could it be easily spoofed by someone nearby, I wonder.

That reminds me of my high school days when the bitchy Head Mistress 'ordered' a few tons of very ripe cow manure to be dumped in her front yard while she was at work ... hehehe.


macrumors regular
Dec 4, 2005
Washington, DC
This iPhone I own is putting me into a demographic that I have no desire to be part of.

The Starbuck's gettin' instant iTunes buyin' dweeb set. Eeew.


macrumors regular
Feb 18, 2006
Asheville, NC
God do I hate Starbucks.

Or maybe it's a different sort of shop in the UK.

No, its probably just as cliche and fake as it is here in the states. The company tries hard considering their size and I give them credit for that, but their coffee isn't good and the atmosphere in their houses just feels so fake and made up. Much better to go to a local coffee house and support the little guy!

But despite my feelings towards starbucks, I can appreciate the technology behind this idea, the convergence of technology and other unsaid parts of our lives is really fascinating to me.


macrumors 6502
Jun 15, 2007
Here's a photo of a Starbucks in Scotland by Jim Jenista. Is it the same as in America? I guess the foam's optional...


  • b.jpg
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Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
The U.S. is way behind Japan in the use of mobile phones for making purchases. Perhaps this will help the west catch up.


macrumors regular
Mar 1, 2005
Castle Rock, Colorado
Love the Bucks!

This sounds great, I love to get my starbucks hit in the morning. I hope that this includes buying the drink through your itunes account. That would circumvent any need to order or pay at the counter, just pick it up. Nice experience I am sure.
For everyone that does not like starbucks, just go somewhere else and enjoy that venue. It would be cool if this extended to nicer restaurants as well.


macrumors 65816
Dec 3, 2002
sounds cool. with an easy interface and good selection of retailers i'd be happy to use this service.

of course should it come to be Apple will be hailed as the next Google, primed to rule the world. escepcially if it all goes through your iTunes account.

Apple World Domination, Inc., anyone?


Nov 6, 2007
No, its probably just as cliche and fake as it is here in the states. The company tries hard considering their size and I give them credit for that, but their coffee isn't good and the atmosphere in their houses just feels so fake and made up. Much better to go to a local coffee house and support the little guy!

But despite my feelings towards starbucks, I can appreciate the technology behind this idea, the convergence of technology and other unsaid parts of our lives is really fascinating to me.

What is wrong with Starbucks? Love the coffee (ok a little expensive, but my wife hits them every day).....


Nov 6, 2007
Interesting example w/ using Starbucks to order drinks. Unless they have a dedicated barista for iPhone orders, you're really not getting anything faster as it still has to be queued with the other orders.

At least when you order in person, you have an idea of where you are at. An iPhone order and you really have no clue.

Now I have heard some crazy orders at Starbucks, so this might be aimed at those type.

Yeah, I agree you almost need a dedicated Barista. Hmm.... The slow down is usually the fact that there is only 2 cahs registers. Now if they can integrate that with Credit/Debit card payment and a Tiff of your receipt - then it would make the line move faster.

Kinda like this... As for the crazy orders, well.... Maybe if you order directly from your phone (and they have a screen or printout of the order - rather than remembering 5 orders they are making at once) - then maybe they will not forget I ordered soy with whip.


Nov 6, 2007
God do I hate Starbucks.

Or maybe it's a different sort of shop in the UK.

Nothing is wrong with Starbucks - ok maybe one thing. They use T-Mobile which means you have to pay for wireless, where as most places offer "FREE" Wifi.


macrumors 68000
Jun 20, 2007
Kinda like this... As for the crazy orders, well.... Maybe if you order directly from your phone (and they have a screen or printout of the order - rather than remembering 5 orders they are making at once) - then maybe they will not forget I ordered soy with whip.

This would be nice in that it would remember your "favorites" and as you say, not mess up the order.

One Click ordering -> my favorite -> beamed to barrista -> paid from my itunes account (or CC) -> not have to wait in line -> just wait in the area where they call your name.

Sounds awesome to me.


macrumors newbie
Oct 8, 2004
San Diego, CA
Order drinks at starbucks via iphone....

Well, that would eliminate waiting in line, right? So with people ordering drinks online, you would have less people waiting in line. That also means less people spend time waiting in the Starbucks store, and therefore won't use the Starbucks iTunes Wi-Fi music store as much. I don't think thats in Starbucks' and Apple's best interest. Usually retailers aim for customers spending as much time as possible in the store.

I can see online ordering working for restaurants, etc. but not in Starbucks.


macrumors 68040
Sep 6, 2007
The fiendish plan...

Ahhhh... the fiendish plan is coming together! :D

When Apple announced the Starbucks deal, it made sense that soon you would be able to use your iTunes account or other digital wallet to order and purchase other items... both at Starbucks and I would suspect other places too in the near future.

I think this is a beautiful model and I hope it comes to light. On the other hand, it will be interesting to see how criminals try to exploit it.

Anyway... does anyone get the idea this is going to be a fun filled MacWorld??? Maybe even "one-up" last years HUGE announcements?

P.S. why didn't I buy Apple stock 10 years ago when it was under $5 a share???? UGH!
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