Is there a jailbreak app that displays calendar event that occurred more than a year ago? Man is this annoying and I can't believe Apptard hasn't addressed this yet.
I don't think the issue has anything to do with syncing. I have the same problem. All my calendar events are available -- going back years. It's the calendar search function that won't go back more than a year.
I have noticed this issue recently as well. Quite annoying.. Say you put in a trip to Hong Kong a few year ago in your Calendar and then decide to do a search today for Hong Kong in Calendar but for some reason it does nor show all the Hong Kong events you created in the past on the iPhone. On my MacBook Pro though it shows them all. They are all synced by the way. If you check manually that date from say 3 years ago after checking date on MacBook you can find it on the iPhone but if you just type in Hong Kong in the search section of Calendar on the iPhone it does not bring all those previous Hong Kong events up.. Why..?
What are the 3rd party options that can access iCloud Calendar so that you might still be able to search for calendar events more than a year ago, please?
It would be good if Apple could add extra time, acknowledging that it uses up extra memory that some iPhone users may not have to spare, hence a toggle?