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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 8, 2011
I have two .m files. The first is the main code, The second is a subclass of UIImageView so that i can detect touches.
In the main .m file I have added a progress bar and a customimageview both subviews of a scrollview.

What I need is that when a user touches the customimageview that the progress bar moves up and a double tap decreases the [Note: the customimageview has to have its touches recognised in the second .m because of them being in a subview of a scrollview and other controls are having to be handled]

In the main .m file I have a two methods:

    - (void)pumpsingletap {  
       progbm.progress +=0.1;  
    - (void)pumpdoubletap {  
       progbm.progress -=0.1;  
then in the subclassed uiimageview i have:

    //inside touches method
    if ([touch view].tag == 555) {  
       NSLog(@"pump touched");  
       switch ([allTouches count]) {  
             case 1: {  
                    switch ([touch tapCount]) {  
                         //---single tap---  
                         case 1: {  
                         NSLog(@"single pump touch");  
                         [self performSelector:@selector(pumpsingletap) withObject:nil afterDelay:.4];  
                         } break;  
                         //---double tap---  
                         case 2: {  
                         NSLog(@"double pump touch");  
                         [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self selector:@selector(pumpsingletap) object:nil];  
                         [self performSelector:@selector(pumpdoubletap) withObject:nil afterDelay:.4];  
                         } break;  
So the NSlog's appear so the touch recognition isn't an issue. But the performSelector falls over. As the customimageview pumpsingletap doesnt work.

So how do i call the method in the subclass
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macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2010
I could be wrong here, but I believe for selector to work you have to at least declare an incoming object:

- (void)pumpdoubletap:(id) sender { 
progbm.progress -=0.1; 


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 8, 2011
method called but progress bar not moving

o I have added in the following code, in my subclass

    mainMethod* callingMethod = [[mainMethod alloc] init];  
    [callingMethod performSelector:@selector(pumpsingletap) withObject:nil afterDelay:.4];
then in my main method for pumpsingletap i changed it to:

    - (void)pumpsingletap { 
       NSLog(@"single pump method called");
       progbm.progress +=0.1;  
The NSLog for single pump method called appeared but the progress bar progbm - didn't move. so i have solved my calling issue - just need to now work out why the progress bar isnt moving!!
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