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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 2, 2012
South East England
Afternoon, I'm after some advise!

I got this game about a month after it was launched, played it, loved it, thought it was great. Long story short had a temporary move that lasted 9 months (whilst i was waiting for my house) stopped playing as the internet connection was just beyond shocking.

Now i've moved in and thanks to my new ISP i'm up to 200mb (sweet) I've started playing Destiny were i left at level 25. I found it quite hard to find any groups for strike missions etc.

I'm fully aware there are 2 (3 if you count the fallen king?) expansions out, what i really want to know is, is it worth me buying them or has the game sadly fallen to its knees?

Thanks for the advise!
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Been playing Destiny on and off for a while. Bought it for my PS4 shortly after it came out (used for $22) and a few months ago GS had them on sale for $20 and bought the XBox One Copy.

Its a great game as I played a whole bunch on my PS4 when I first got it. Wanna play it more maybe around Christmas on XBox One when I actually have a day or two off.

Also been getting other games this holiday season on sale so been busy with all those (like my new used 3DS XL on sale at GS for $99).

Will keep an eye out for you if you post your gamertag. My XBox one is FLYBOY.
Pre-ordered on Xbox One when it came out and played quite a bit to start. Then moved states and didn't have time all year until right before 'The Taken King' released. I played a TON of Destiny when it came out. I've got one max level character and another around 30 I believe. Haven't played much the last month or so d/t holidays and work but still enjoying the game.

I imagine it would be even more fun to play if you had plenty of regular people to group with. It's pretty quick to grab randoms but not quite the same.

My Xbox tag is Phaedon. If you send me an invite or add me just let me know where you're from (MacRumors) or I'll most likely ignore you. Been on Xbox Live for way too long to pay attention to every invite/message I get :)
I only started playing with the Taken King. But all the reviews say that it is much improved. You can buy the Taken King and get the two DLC and the Taken King at once. It is pretty good deal.
Game is ton of fun. Though I'm playing Fallout 4 now. But I'm likely to return to Destiny in a month or two.
I'm fully aware there are 2 (3 if you count the fallen king?) expansions out, what i really want to know is, is it worth me buying them or has the game sadly fallen to its knees?

Thanks for the advise!

i bought the expansions($29.99 for GOLD mbrs) and upon completion got an automatic boost to lvl 25, you have to be a low lvl to get the boost. and with the "refer-a-friend"(from Bungie) referral you get some extra goodies. still i would get the expansions if you want to continue to new missions.

as Jovian9 mention, you can send an invite; just let me know you're from MacRumors. GT is in the sig....
Quick update (I've added a few of you!)

Since hitting level 40 the games progression seems to have increased dramatically and I'm still finding it fun to play which is good!

I think it was just a bad spell of missions and failed strike groups.
I would like to get back into playing this, but right now I have a 3 month old that has been taking up most of my time, and I don't want to be the rude guy who drops out in the middle of a mission. I have been playing more solo games for this reason.

You can add me Capt Moore gamer tag.

new DLC April 12 along w/ light level increase(335) and new gear...
I haven't played in about 2 weeks! Need to get back into it.

Doing some of the heroic runs are challenging, it finally started to pick up for me though.
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got some decent drops from IB for my HUnter, so far...

304, 303, (2)298 - Iron Companion Vest
300, 299 - Iron Companion Sleeves
294 - Finnala's Peril(hand cannon)
bumping this...

thoughts on RoI since the drop? good/bad? people still play this game...kappa
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