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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 1, 2008

Anyone know what the iPhone 3G camera focal length is? Preferably in a 35mm camera equivalent?

It seems like it's wider than the typical ~38mm distance of your typical point'n'shoot camera. Maybe something more like a 28mm equivalent.

(I'm talking about the angle of view here, not the focus distance, as some of the Google searches are misnaming it.)


macrumors newbie
Feb 28, 2009
Iphone camera focal length

I've figured an iphone camera image to have about a 70º horizontal field of view (reading along the long side of the picture, whichever way the camera's held), so that'd be about the equivalent of a 27mm lens on a 35mm SLR. Still checking this out, so if anyone has anything more definitive I'd love to hear.

Can anyone tell us the physical size of the sensor chip in the camera? If we had that, we could figure out the (approximate) actual focal length of the lens.
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