I noticed whenever I take a photo my iPhone 6 tells me where it was taken. Any way to turn this off? I didn't see anything in the camera settings or notification center.
i just keep my location on. i like having it.
if you export it from iPhoto it will strip the locations out by default now
if you upload it to Facebook they will strip the locations out
yeah you want to be careful with locations cause anyone you email that picture too can look up your photo to see where it was taken
I keep it turned on for my own reference so I can remember where a photo was at.
For sharing photos online most social media sites strip the data.
For other sites if I share photos I don't want people to know the location (like at my house etc), I use a program called ImageOptim that strips all the exif data before I upload.
i posted a picture to mac rumors about itunes and posted my telephone number and my gps coordinates. hopefully the picture wasn't viewed , lol
i uploaded that pic like 3 times to make sure it was good hahaha